Friday, June 15, 2007

A Few More Thoughts

Just some thoughts on a sultry morning in Windsor.


What a crock.

The Star story says:
  • "City administrators have been scrambling with downtown business association officials this week in an 11th-hour bid to save the annual family entertainment event.

    The city, citing a lack of sponsors and late planning, announced two weeks ago it was cancelling this year's event. "
Why don't they report what CAO John Skorobohacz said at Council. He claimed he did not allow the Buskers process to move forward until after the Budget was passed since he wanted to know that there was money available. Of course by that time it was too late to have a proper festival.

Interestingly, wasn't it right near the end of the time that the Operating Budget was going to be finalized, that the Mayor said that he was going to let Council know how much the Grand Prix was going to cost---US$80K. Had the Buskers been in process already, no money might have been available for the Mayor's project. Whew, was he ever lucky!

What a great family event in Detroit for Windsorites the race will be. For sure, thousands of Windsorite families with their children will be going over to Detroit to join in the festivities there rather than attending a Buskers Festival in Windsor. Our City will help send them across the river to spend money there because of the spending of money by City Hall to promote Eddie's brand errrrrrrr the event!

Of course the CAO could have advised Councillors of the issue early in the year, say January, when the festival could have been organized properly so they could have decided what to do. He did not. He obviously did not want to tax their brains too much especially since some of them were so new and thought it was their role to make decisions.

I do not like how our CAO has decided that HE runs the City. I think it is time the Mayor has a nice chat with him to let him know what his role is. But that will never happen will it.


Do they have no shame? Are they not embarrassed to make people believe one thing while doing another? How can they do some of the things they do with a straight face.

I attended a session of the ROTCC meeting hosted by Eddie Francis and paid for by taxpayers of Windsor and others. It was about the Green Corridor and their initiative along Huron Church Road. One of the founders, an artist, Noel Harding, made the presentation and it was quite a good one about what could be done. He spoke as well about the co-operation of the City of Windsor in this initiative.

The Mayor was there as were Councillors Postma, Hatfield, Brister and Dilkens. Fortunately for them, Mr. Harding is a gentleman and there was only a brief mention in passing respecting what happened at Council with the Bridge Co. on Monday night as he described what the Bridge Co. and Green Corridor had proposed to do with the demolished homes. He briefly said that the Green Corridor group could not complete what they showed in their presentation without going into the gory details.

It was revealed that, in fact, they were going to do some plantings in the foundations of the homes that were to be demolished--that seemed to be a big issue for some at the Council meeting--so that the archaeological sanctity of the area would not have been destroyed.

Oh I wish that there had been a question period after his talk. I am not as polite as Mr. Harding. You know I would have asked him to explain before the delegates (all 20-25 of them) what our Mayor and Council did to kill his Green Corridor plans for the Bridge Co. homes. May as well make them squirm in front of those that they are trying to impress. I would have asked him to explain how Council could talk out of both sides of their mouth.

Now I know why there was no deferral on Monday...I could have thrown in Council's face their absolute hypocrisy at what was said at the ROTCC meeting and compare it with their actions.

You know I figured it out after attending this session, the difference between a doer and a talker. It was so clearly demonstrated.

Our Mayor may have been "Young Entrepreneur of the Year" but he is no real entrepreneur. If he were, there would not have been such inaction for how many years on the border issue. He would have found a solution long before now.

Do you really think that Matty Moroun could stay in business if this is how he ran his Company? The difference is that Eddie can play with our money, taxpayer money, not his own money so he can afford inaction. I wonder how long Mr. Moroun would tolerate losing so much business at his Bridge compared with what Eddie is losing at the Tunnel month after month after month!

Is Eddie is jealous of the Bridge Co.? They are capable of making decisions and acting quickly. Is the Mayor completely shocked that they are actually prepared to put their money where their mouth is and work with the Green Corridor and actually commit to a project while he is merely capable of talking about it. It is a blow to his ego that they are acting to improve the area while he merely talks about THINKING BIG.

The Mayor to me is a bureaucrat, a mere "legal technocrat" as Gord Henderson called him. He is incapable of execution since something could go wrong and he could be blamed.

Perhaps someone should tell him that in baseball, a .333 average makes one a superstar.


I understand that the Development Commission Board had a "retreat" last Saturday to discuss where they are going. I guess it was to discuss too their 120 days in action or is it inaction.

While I was not that interested in hearing all that went on I understand that there was dismay that the outstanding Commission new hires positions had not yet been filled. That was hardly a good sign. Maybe no one in Windsor wants the jobs. Perhaps no one wants to come to Windsor to work in a deadend job trying to get investors to locate here!

I understand as well that the Chair and CEO got into some hot and heavy arguments. There was talk about lessening the dependence on manufacturing jobs in the region. I was told that went over like a lead balloon.

Sheeeeeeeeesh, didn't anyone see the Airport lands issue on the Agenda last Monday? What are we creating "shovel ready" lands for if not for manufacturing!


Two stories posted on CKLW:
    The first quarter of 2007 has seen a big drop in tourism in Windsor and Essex County. The number of tour busses to visit the area is down by more than 200 compared to the same period a year ago. The number of hotel rooms booked has also seen a major decline.

    The Convention and Visitors Bureau of Windsor, Essex County and Pelee Island is hoping a new survey will help to attract more tourists. It asked visitors to the area what they're looking for in a vacation. Possibilities range from a zoo or aquarium to more sports venues, including a race track in the county. Survey results are expected by September.

You'd think they might have started earlier and finished earlier. Not in September when the big summer tourist season is over.

Oh well, Gord Orr is probably too busy figuring out how our $80K DETROIT Grand Prix sponsorship can be justified. The Super Bowl one could not be and as for Wrestlemania....

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