Friday, June 15, 2007

A Titillating Performance

What a strange choice of words by Councillor Hatfield. But then again, he is a retired journalist and so is good with language to make people take notice.

I must admit I had a Janet Jackson moment for a second when he made the comment but then he explained when he told the Bridge Co. people that they may wonder why Council spent so little time asking questions on their Enhancement project but so much on spending $1,800 for a basketball tournament.

I thought frankly it was just a way to increase the "public" hours for the next report comparing public and in camera meetings!

Those of us who opposed what went on respecting certain matters thought the performance was a bust. Frankly, some of the Councillors looked like boobs with their inconsistent positions. You should have been in the audience hearing the hooters' nasty comments as the debate carried on.

Why I can hardly wait for next Monday's show. Son of a gun, in just a little while, all of the Councillors will be back to entertain you, spending some time with you. We'll be together again all night as Council does it all for you. Truly, it all starts at the magic hour of 6 PM on Cogeco TV. Imagine when we ooooo when something dramatic happens or if we say it is lame. [You have to be a Janet fan to understand this paragraph!]

Here are some of the items that excited us so pleasurably at the last Council session.

  • We learned that Windsor's sponsorship of the Detroit Grand Prix would cost us $80,000 ($US I assume). When a Councillor asked if we could change that, the Mayor's quick response was "NO."

    For heaven's sake, we are talking about Eddie's future here and his relationship with Roger Penske.

    Surely $80K is cheap at the price for our branding. Our involvement is described this way "Francis said Windsor benefits from event partnerships with Detroit by a boost to the local economy and through increased profile."

    Is that "increased profile" something that can be quantified like the many millions we did NOT make on Super Bowl
  • I noted that none of the Councillors had the guts to ask the Mayor how much the ROTCC conference will cost us. They probably did not because they were allowed to go to it.
  • You think I am kidding when I say that the CAO runs the City and that Eddie is a mere figurehead.

    We learned that our almighty CAO was the one who effectively killed the Buskers festival because he chose not to bring the matter forward until after the Budgget passed. By then it was too late for a festival.

    The question I have is then why was there a CAO Approval to retain a firm to help produce the festival?
  • Good thing that the Pay for Performance item went on consent since I might have asked that the CAO's salary be reduced after his Buskers comment
  • I probably should take out my stopwatch and review the tape of the comments by Mr. Sutts and see if he was kept to the 5 minute rule by the Mayor as I was forced to do. Oh I forgot, he was answering a question to help support what Administration recommended.
  • I guess Chris Schurr's hearing is better than mine. See Schurr's devastating BLOG "Council’s ‘public consultation’ sham"

    I do not take offence at the Councillor's comment to me since it is clear that he has no idea what "public consultation" means.
  • I enjoyed asking questions of the Mayor in public and was hardly surprised that I received so little in response from him. I guess he did not know what "public consultation" meant either.
  • Well, well...civility is dead at Council or else I am really disliked that much by the Mayor and Councillors. Imagine, not being allowed to finish my "public consultation" by reading one more paragraph. Wow our Mayor is one tough hombre by shutting me down.

    And the Councillors, not one of them had the guts to introduce a Motion to waive the Rules. I guess they were afraid that an Integrity Commissioner might rule against them at some time in the future.
  • I was in good company at least. No one had the guts to raise his/her hand to give the Bridge Co. any extra time either. Why be educated thoroughly
  • Eddie does not have to worry. His "Perry Mason" title was challenged by the brilliant cross-examination undertaken by Councillor Jones but unsuccessfully I am afraid. To help him out, here is a tip for next time. The Councillor should make sure he knows what his witness will say before he asks a question. Having the delegation being unable to answer so many questins made it awkward and made him look foolish and unprepared.
  • I was so hoping to hear how the Councillors were going to justify asking that the Outlaws' house be torn down but not those of the Bridge Co. However, Council chickened out by passing the matter on consent.
  • Poor George Sofos. When Councillor Postma asked for an Administraion Report on his building "The Junction," she just killed any chance he had to get a quick decision made on his licence. Sorry cannot help you George, Administration is doing a report on this. You'll have to wait until they have completed their study....and you know how busy they are these days.
  • I heard Joe McParland ask Chris Schurr on Cogeco why BLOGs in Windsor are so negative. The answer is not hard. What has the Council done that is positive. In fact I wrote about this subject: BLOG February 27, 2006 "Why Is this BLOG So Negative?"

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