Thursday, June 7, 2007

Will Windsor Council Kill Eddie's Tunnel Dream


You have got to be kidding me. The problem they will have is not hurting their arms when they quickly stick them up high when the question on the Motion is called to approve!

I sent this note to the Mayor and Councillors and so far have had ONE reply:

  • "----- Original Message -----

    From: Ed Arditti

    To: Mayor Francis and Council
    Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 11:27 AM
    Subject: June 11 Council meeting

    The meeting on June 11 will be very important to the City of Windsor.

    According to Councillor Jones, at the last Council meeting, a number of you will not be in attendance.

    Please advise me if you will be present or not. I need this information by Thursday at noon at the latest."
The witch-hunt will now be on to see who leaked to me that he/she will or will not be present. That poor Councillor will see his/her name in the Windsor Star soon for daring to break the Code of Silence and not letting only Eddie tell me the answer! It may even prompt the need for an Integrity Commissioner as the last straw. (See I have to protect my source!)

Expect Councillors to ask loads of questions on Monday night however to pretend that they are protecting our interests when they in fact also know little about what Eddie is doing.

That's called "public consultation" in Windsor.

Let's guess who will ask the most questions so that he/she can demonstrate that he/she is Mayoral material! You first...

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