Monday, November 30, 2009

Will The CAW Sponsor DesRosiers' Book

Never mind if they agree with him or not, they ought to do so to help out automotive students in Canada!

Here is a note I received:

  • "----- Original Message -----
    From: Dennis DesRosiers

    Subject: We are good to Go!!!

    I sent out a feeler about a month ago regarding the idea of assembling my forty years of writing about the automotive sector into a hard cover book. The response was very positive and indeed I was humbled by many of the responses I received. After carefully looking at the economics we have indeed decided to publish a "Best of" Observations hard cover book. It will be approximately 250 pages in length which should provide plenty of opportunity to get the absolute best articles into the publication. It will be available in late November.

    I've attached an order form to this e-mail so that you can order your copy and I hope multiple copies for your organization. It would be nice if we could get our numbers nailed down in advance so I hope you will give this serious consideration.

    It has been said that "The future of the automotive industry is the six inches between our ears." I agree with this 110 percent and have established an 'Endowment for the Advancement of Automotive Studies' to provide scholarship(s) to University students taking automotive related courses. It will be based at my alma mater, The University of Windsor. It is my small way of encouraging the brightest minds in this country prepare themselves to work in this sector. I personally funded the initial endowment of $20,000 but also have decided that 100 percent of the profits from this book will go towards building the Endowment. So by purchasing a book(s) you will not only get a very insightful publications but will also be helping a student prepare for entry into our wonderful industry.

    Finally, we have five companies who have agreed to sponsor the project. Besides the normal exposure associated with a publication like this we are also donating a 100 copies of this book to University or College students currently enrolled in an automotive course in each sponsor's name. We have identified about 2,000 students across Canada so we also need additional sponsors. Contact me and I'll have someone contact you about what's involved. Wouldn't it be great if we could get a copy of this publication into the hands of every automotive related student across Canada.

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