Monday, November 23, 2009

Call In The Police (Part II)

Think I am kidding about a plot to destroy CUPE Windsor and individuals for an ulterior motive:

From today's Star about the leak re Ron Jones:

  • "The number of calls to Fox on his city-issued BlackBerry during the strike were far less than the 500 suggested by council sources, who leaked that information to reporters after the city’s integrity commissioner Earl Basse allegedly discovered the calls between the two while conducting a parallel investigation, he said."

Someone needs to introduce a Motion tonight at Council to have Windsor Police or perhaps the OPP investigate the corruption taking place here!

Who are these "Council sources" who did the leaking this time? Remember that mini-Gord used the "500" number first as I Blogged the other day!

The Star reported at the end of June:

  • "CUPE claimed in a bad faith bargaining complaint the leak could have only come from the city, but the city's response points out the leak could have just as easily come from a member of the union's bargaining committee."

CUPE we know now was absolutely right according to the Integrity Commissioner who virtually used their language in his report:.

CUPE workers now have a good chance to win their bad faith bargaining complaint and up to $30M in back wages and a possible punitive damages claim. This will cost taxpayers real money thanks to the Leakor!

How much more of this do we have to put up with?

Why hasn't the Star disclosed which Councillor contacted mini-Gord 6 months ago to become a Leakor for him and now who their Council sources are? What is the Star hiding?

The Star wrote at the end of June:

  • "Francis has said affidavits would be sworn by the councillors and administrators who were privy to the city and union proposals, but that has not yet been done. The city's integrity commissioner is also probing the leak, which Coun. Alan Halberstadt blamed on CUPE National representatives in a recent blog posting."

Where are those affidavits and why hasn't the City's internal report been issued about the leak? Why are they being hidden?

Where is Basse's report on the Halberstadt leak and why was the report only done on Jones disclosed at this time? Why is it being hidden?

Halberstadt alleged in his BLOG:

  • "It has become clear now that the infamous "leak" (to the A Channel) of the bargaining positions of the city and CUPE was perpetrated by CUPE National. Details were perhaps verified by one or more people on the city side. Whatever the case, the leak was a red herring to dismantle the talks since CUPE National wanted no part of a Windsor agreement to set a pattern with a Toronto walkout only days away."

That was not true. Who are the City sources who "perhaps verified" the claim to spread disinformation? Why is the Councillor hiding this from us?

Only the police with their powers can help us uncover the lies, deception and the breach of trust. And what is being hidden.

Only the judicial system can put those at fault in jail.


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