Monday, November 30, 2009

UPDATE: Basse's Edgar Report

Here is what the Clerk's Office wrote me:

  • "In response to your inquiry I advise that I received an email from the Integrity Commissioner that his report will be going to Council in the next week."

The Municipal Act seems clear to me where the Report goes first and who is to release it:

  • 223.6 (2) If the Commissioner reports to the municipality or to a local board his or her opinion about whether a member of council or of the local board has contravened the applicable code of conduct, the Commissioner may disclose in the report such matters as in the Commissioner’s opinion are necessary for the purposes of the report. 2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 98.

    Publication of reports

    (3) The municipality and each local board shall ensure that reports received from the Commissioner by the municipality or by the board, as the case may be, are made available to the public."

I don't see anything about allowing a press conference just because of the so-called international media coverage about the Mayor before the Report is presented.

Humour me. I know I am overly suspicious but I hate "accurate but narrow" answers. Could a member of the media ask if someone from the Mayor's office called Basse and asked him to call the Mayor:

  • "Francis said Basse called him Wednesday night and asked to meet with him early Thursday after word of the commissioner's investigation was leaked.

    "I said I would," Francis said."

It reminded me of the joke I asked in a BLOG:

  • "Forget the light bulb joke.

    The latest Windsor/Detroit joke going around is:

    Question: How many negotiators does it take to set up a meeting between the Mayor of Detroit and the Mayor of Windsor?

Perhaps the reporter could ask too when the report was finished.

And don't forget about the Hooker Love Canal too so that the international media might get interested again. "The Kwame–Canal Link"

Isn't it a shame? It seems, as Chris says, it may be necessary to "politically manufacture" issues to get a timely response to a citizen inquiry in Windsor!

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