Friday, November 6, 2009

What A Shocker

I almost blew a fuse. A truly electrifying event in Windsor.

No strike at Enwin! Watts going on here?

Heck, there wasn't one at WUC either. Watt gives?
  • "Enwin workers ratify agreement

    Seventy-five outside workers at Enwin Utilities have voted 83 per cent in favour of a new 3 1/2-year collective agreement.

    The workers, represented by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 636 Unit 21, will receive a 6.5 per cent increase over the life of the agreement."

So then please explain to me why we needed a 101 day strike of CUPE workers to achieve a similar resolution.

I would get a charge out of seeing the Minutes of both WUC and Enwin to see how Mayor Edgar (aka Eddie) voted since he is on the Board of both.

I wonder if there was a spark of independence from the other Board members to approve the contracts.

Depending on what Junior amplifies about the CUPE strike in his Report upcoming on November 10 at the Ward 4 Councillors meeting, it may impact the next municipal electron-ion. I am positive about that!

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