Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Enwin On Strike

Ooooops, my mistake.
  • "Enwin workers ratify 4-year deal

    Inside services employees at Enwin Utilities ratified a new four-year contract on Monday.

    The contract will give the 93 workers, represented by IBEW Local 636, a 1.875 per cent wage increase for each year of the deal starting Jan. 1, 2009. It was reached after two days of negotiations with the help of a provincial conciliator...

    Monday's vote comes about two weeks after 75 outside workers at Enwin ratified a deal calling for a 6.5 per cent pay raise over three years."

How could such outrageous settlements happen without a 101 day strike since, according to the Enwin website, Edgar (aka Eddie) and Fulvio Valentinis are on the Enwin Board. And on the Parent Company Board are Edgar, Dave Brister and Jo-Anne Gignac.

That softliner Ron Jones is on the Parent Co board too so let us figure out a way to blame him for this! He has been chosen by the media as the designated fall-guy for the Leakor anyway so what is one more issue to put on him.

WUC, Transit Windsor and now Enwin resolved with no strikes. Can you say CUPE political action not labour dispute!

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