Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Names for The Mayor Contest

I am glad that the Star picked up my BLOG about the Mayor's other identity. Now we need someone to ask the Mayor what other names he uses and what about Councillors and Senior Managers.

Moreover, he should be asked if he and the others use other "non-City" email addreses in which he or they undertake City business.

What do I mean by that. Let's assume that the City has retained a Buy Foreign consultant named ABCXXX1234 Company. It has its own website... and its own email address [Name of Person]

Does anyone at City Hall use that email to transact City business? If so, then who and why and what was sent or received.

A cynical friend of mine suggested that this might a way around the Municipal Freedom of Information Act ie unless the MFOI request was very specific, then only certain emails would have to be produced.

The last thing we need is a Kwame text-messaging-type scandal in Windsor.

Back to the contest.

Clearly, the Mayor's cover has been blown. He needs a new name and maybe a new email address too. But the poor man is so busy...counting the $34M to make sure the Feds did not short-change him, not meddling but being involved in the CUPE negotiations, being galvanized about our 26th place City-ranking finish, watching the Tunnel going into financial ruin and so on.

I need your help, dear reader, especially CUPE workers who, according to mini-Gord, are tanning themselves on the picket line. Send me names and email addresses that you think the Mayor should be using now.

I will post your responses provided they are suitable for a G-rated BLOG. The winner will be the one that I like the best. Your prize---coffee and a bagel at Tim Hortons.

Now what could be better than that. Oh and to protect anonymity, the winner's name will NOT be published and his/her identity protected especially if it is a CUPE worker. If more than one person submit the winning entry, I might even pick up the price of a second coffee too but no promises.

Preference goes to a name using the initials C & P such as "Carter Pierce." That's a good one too. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) And no, I already thought of Canadian Pacific.

Yes, yes, no chances of being disciplined. Maybe it should be a Back to Work Protocol term too!

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