Monday, July 20, 2009

Is The CUPE Strike Over


How can I say that with so much certainty:

1) "Jean Fox, president of CUPE Local 543 representing inside workers, confirmed the post-retirement benefits issue had been taken off the table.

"The issues now are mostly around wages and language," said Fox."

2) "Francis said the vote confirmed the city wasn't offering enough to take away the sting workers felt from losing the fight on post-retirement benefits. "What we heard was that members were expecting -- obviously the lump sum was not large enough as it relates to the post-retirement benefits."

Add in a few more $$$, using the OMERS increase as the justification, and we are all done!

Typical managerial approach to making a problems go away. Throw money at it! Especially when there is real concern about labour unfair practices claims and one's future is at stake.

I trust though as part of the deal CUPE does NOT agree not to hold the OLRB hearing on the City's unfair practices and does NOT give up any claims for back pay. Remember that the City has already conceded no firings or any significant discipline.

While it will be portrayed by the sycophants as an Eddie win, he lost badly. He did NOT achieve his objectives and messed up even with a huge strike fund and years of planning.

CUPE should remember that the City will have a huge windfall of cash today. Supposedly Brighton Beach will be sold:
  • "No price tag has been divulged, but city solicitor George Wilkki said: "I believe the monetary settlement will be satisfactory to the city."

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