Monday, July 27, 2009

"Draft Me For Mayor" Campaign Started

Am I ever embarrassed [blushing]. Now who did that?

As posted on Youtube:

  • "Windsor, Ontario lawyer, activist, watchdog, and municipal gadfly Mr. Ed Arditti may also be the area's finest, if under-appreciated, "old-fashioned" journalist; that is to say, a man with no overt axe to grind, gifted with a nose for the 'truth', and the ability, energy and wherewithal to sniff it out -- try as it might to elude detection. And all this, much to the chagrin of the Windsor Star, the questionable regional news source that furnishes him with no end of material to transform into his critical, informative, entertaining and opinionated but always well reasoned copy. He writes a daily blog:

    which is the de facto regional clearinghouse for the story behind the story and the local thinking person's pit stop for their daily fix of all things related to the art of the state and the state of the art as it applies to the weird landscape that is municipal politics in the wild, uncharted territory that is the frontiertown of Windsor, Ontario.

    Certain members from CUPE local 543 suggested at a closed membership meeting held on July 16 2009 that ED ARDITTI run for mayor! As one of the only area pundits to objectively and adequately cover BOTH sides of the story in the 15 week long and running fiasco that has been the 2009 CUPE municipal strike, Ed has earned himself a whole new bumpercrop of readers and admirers, as this short video amply illustrates.

Wow, to the person who posted this, thanks for the compliments and vote of confidence.

I figure that, without the drama we have been experiencing under our Mayor and Council, most issues in Windsor could be resolved in about a month after taking office. What would I do for the balance of the 4 year term!

Seriously, we are a town of 200,000 people for heaven's sake. People actually working together would overcome our problems, put people back to work now and would make Windsor the #1 spot in Canada!

Unfortunately, I will follow the sage wisdom of US General William Tecumseh Sherman and that of my family:

  • "If drafted, I will not run; if nominated, I will not accept; if elected, I will not serve."


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