Friday, July 24, 2009

Did Eddie Blow It, Again

Oh Lord, couldn't he have stayed away for one more day or at least kept his mouth firmly closed!

Everyone knows that Eddie was calling the shots even if the City's negotiating Committee was meeting with the Mediator and CUPE's team but did he have to rub it in the faces of CUPE workers again. Before the vote, again. Does he really want this offer turned down like the last one, again?

He understood finally his negative role in the strike it seemed and how he polarized people
  • "Mayor Eddie Francis says both sides must be left alone in an effort to hammer out an agreement."

Yet, like a moth to the flame, he could not stay away:

  • "I was up all night waiting for this to happen,” said Francis, who drove to the Holiday Inn Select in the middle of the night after hearing the two sides were closing in on a possible agreement."

Clearly then, he had input BEFORE the final agreement was reached and right at the hotel too. He indeed deserves a Platinum Meddler award, one higher than gold. Why wouldn't he just use his Blackberry and pretend not to be involved. He could not even follow his own advice and warning.

But we know he cannot. He will have to claim subsequently that he made the big call at the Hotel to seal the deal.

Will workers again vote NO just to shove it in his face once again. I hope not. But will the NO vote be bigger than expected now. You better believe it.

And CUPE's favourite, Councillor Dilkens, may also contribute to a bigger than expected NO vote. He has just told them that it is a lousy deal since it is a pro-taxpayer and therefore an anti-Union deal:

  • "Ward 1 Coun. Drew Dilkens said he was hopeful the union would also ratify the agreement in Friday’s vote.

    But he cautioned that not all union members would likely be pleased.

    “I don’t think everyone’s going to be happy with every single item in the offer — I think it’s impossible to do that. But I think it’s a fair offer, and from my perspective, it’s something that’s also fair for the taxpayer,” Dilkens said.

It will be interesting as well to learn what was discussed if anything at the CUPE meetings about actions to be taken against the City after the strike is over. What I Blogged about before.

Think about it. Why would Eddie want to come down? Just for the glory? Not really.

I will bet one term in the Protocol is ending CUPE's OLRB complaints. Eddie just does not want to be cross-examined on his actions.

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