Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Did The Star Get The CUPE Memo

Oh, Oh. Will the Corrections section of the Star soon be the place to go first when one reads the Star.

Read a story the first day and then read the corrected story the next!

Is this another error? Incorrect information in the main headline story on Page 1 that will inflame an anti-CUPE reaction by Windsorites and in CUPE members too who will believe that their executive may have sold them out.

Note the time and date of the CUPE Notice too.

  • Monday, July 20 - 3:45 p.m. - Update from Jean Fox, President - Many of you have been wondering about the quote in the Windsor Star where Jean Fox was quoted as saying P.R.B.'s were removed from the table. Be advised that the question that was posted to Jean was 'Were post-retirement benefits off the table in the last package' - to which Jean responded yes. This was indeed the truth for the last package. In no way was it meant to say that P.R.B.'s were permanently removed from the table - the P.R.B.'s are still an outstanding item for collective bargaining tomorrow (July 21). Be advised that both CUPE Local 82 and CUPE Local 543 will be in mediated bargaining tomorrow (Tuesday, July 21) at 9 a.m.

    85% of the 543 membership rejected the Corporation's offer on July 16. Those results were released after discussion with CUPE National at app. 7:30 p.m. on July 16 where CUPE National advised both Jean and Jim to go ahead and release the numbers.


  • "One large obstacle stands in way of settlement: How much?

    Now that both sides in the city strike have confirmed the only real obstacle to a deal is cold, hard cash, one key question remains: How much? "

    ...Multiple sources say the difference between the two contract proposals is about $800,000 over four years or $200,000 per year — less than one dollar per resident. A back-to-work protocol yet to be hammered out could increase the costs borne by taxpayers...

    Union leaders said the city needed to sweeten what one of them described as a “terrible offer” and Windsor Mayor Eddie Francis said that the lump sum payout offered by the city “was not large enough” to take away the sting workers felt from losing the battle on post-retirement benefits."
Why wasn't the CUPE Notice published and why didn't reporters question Jean Fox? What is true and what is not. I do not know any more.

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