Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mayor's Names Contest Postponed

Oh the shame of it but it is NOT my fault. Someone else is going to have to fall on the sword for me, take the hit. You cannot blame me.

OMG....I am starting to sound like the Mayor now.

Look. I set up this contest in good faith. I do not have access to City Rules and Procedures, Protocols if you will. I have to assume that our Mayor is familiar with City systems by being trained properly, especially by prize-winning programs.

Here is my problem. Another one of those emails. This one referred to "THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF WINDSOR Acceptable Use Policy" at I think it is the one in force now but I do not know. If it is not, then I would be so embarrassed. Twice. By running the contest in the first place and then taking the other action I will describe later.

The purpose of the Policy:
  • "The Acceptable Use Policy (hereinafter referred to as “this policy”) identifies roles, responsibilities, and requirements for the appropriate use of corporate technology. The goal of this policy is to protect the Corporation of the City of Windsor from legal liability and to reduce the risk of damage, loss, or theft to corporate technology resources."

In looking through it, here is what I found:

"User Responsibilities:

  • • Understand, accept, and abide by this policy including its associated procedures and Governing Rules and Regulations for each type of corporate technology resource.
    • Ensure all activity using corporate technology resources, whether from work or remotely, conforms to this policy and all corporate codes of conduct.
    • Know that suspected infractions of this policy may be reported to his/her immediate supervisor or to the Concerned Citizen/Concerned Employee Hotline.
    • Conform to the requirements of this policy or failing to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination, legal action and/or due criminal process.

Policy Violations:

  • Any individual who willfully or purposefully does not abide by the sections pertaining to him/her is considered to be in violation of this policy. Additionally, using any corporate technology for the following purposes is considered a violation of this policy:

    Representing oneself as someone else through the use or misuse of technology.

Corporate Authority:

  • Disciplinary action may be taken in accordance to the severity and frequency of the violation to this policy. This discipline could include removing access to the technology resource, termination of employment, and billing the employee for misuse of the technology.

    • Enlist law enforcement officers or bring legal action against a violator according to the severity of the breach of compliance with the policy.


  • 1.3 Failure to conform to the requirements of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination, legal action, and/or possible criminal proceedings.


  • 3.1 This policy applies to the following users of technology resources owned, leased, or licensed to the Corporation:

    • Employees
    • Management
    The Mayor and City Council"

Oh there is so much more but you see the issue. I cannot aid and abet in the possible violation of City policy by providing new names. It would not be right.

Oh I so hope that this provision was followed, although it is not strictly applicable it seems since who supervises the Mayor. However, it would allow the contest to continue:

  • 5.1.5 Policy Exceptions, Clarifications, and Formal Challenges: A user making a policy exception request shall follow proper process by making the request to his/her immediate supervisor. Likewise, a user may request a clarification of this policy or its related procedures at any time and shall follow proper process by making the request to their immediate supervisor. If necessary the supervisor will bring the request forward.

Until I hear from the City officially, the contest will have to be in limbo I am afraid. It may be the Integrity Commissioner who is the proper authority to allow the contest to carry on or perhaps a Resolution of Council. I just do not know.

So please do not send me any more entries until this is clarified. However, here are some names that have come in so far, G-rated only:

  • Cleverly Pretentious
  • Corrupted Process
  • Circus Politico
  • Commander Propaganda
  • Conquistador Conspirator-eh
  • Continuous Paininthe
  • Contemptuous Perfecto
  • Contravene Process
  • Czar Presumptuous
  • Canal Project
  • Chakide Pestor
  • Certified Phony
  • Protagonist Commandant
  • Pompous Chump
  • Pernicious Caesar
  • Chase Power
  • Crappy Protocols
  • Crass Predictability
  • Certainly Pitiful
  • Caboto Precipice
  • Crummy Politician
  • Czar Potenate
  • Crisis Prig
  • Child's Play
  • CEO Phoney
  • citys1.problem @
  • crass.potentate@
  • cant.produce@
  • clever.procrastinator@
  • crossing.prohibitor@
  • canal.promoter@
  • costs.prohibitive@
  • What my children call him. That would be "THAT MAN".
  • What my grandmother refers to him by [Expletive deleted]. ps, and don't even try to eliminate my grandmother from participating 'cause you have already been caught red-handed using the word [Expletive deleted]... so either keep her in the competition or prepare to have your blog under investigation by the "blog-rating police".
  • Name: Cash Pockets E-Mail:
  • Name: Conspiracy Planner E-Mail:
  • Name: Cocky Prince E-Mail:
  • Name: Picket Crusher E-Mail:
  • Name: Ty Twad (Tight Wad) E-Mail:
  • Name: Chief Puppeteer E-Mail:
  • Name: City Prince E-Mail:
  • Name: Colin Power E-Mail:
  • Actually, I dont drink coffee. It's just that Eddie is SUCH and INSPIRATION!!!
  • Hope the strike doesn't end before I complete my PC list (and PC does NOT stand for "politically correct")
  • Love your blogs Ed! Keep up the good work! If my entry is chosen as the 'winning name', could I exchange the coffee for a hot chocolate or Ice-T?
  • Who cares about the coffee? Just making this stuff up is reward in itself! Corporate Pinhead
  • Given his last lump sum offer, how about... Cash Piddling
  • Given the content of Eddie's protocols... Clemency Phobic
  • We don't have time to worry about H1N1 virus, we have Eddie, our.... Chronic Plague
  • I am sure we can all agree that Eddie is really our... Chief Problem
  • It wouldn't do much to hide his identity... Council Puppeteer
  • Describes his contribution to the negotiations... Crisis Prolonged
  • Then there is... Captain Pathetic Hmmmm....everyone would know who it is
  • CUPE Persecuter....there has to be a law against what he is doing to us.

Someone even wrote a song:

  • UNION BUSTER to the tune of “Oh Susannah Don’t You cry For Me!”

    I am the mayor of Windsor
    and the bestest mayor around,
    For 15 weeks I’ve worked so hard
    to keep the union down.
    Arbitration is impossible
    The choice I’ll never choose
    Even though it’s there and just and fair
    The fact is we might lose.

    Union Buster, that’s what I came to be.
    They didn’t know what they would get
    when they elected me.

    You know I’ll save you money
    Of this I made a vow,
    By stealing it from retirees
    Thirty years from now.
    The taxpayers all love me,
    My praises they do sing
    Even though the money I have spent
    had gone to pay George King.

    Union Buster, is what I came to be.
    They didn’t know what they would get
    when they elected me.

    I’ve got right-wing pals and journalists
    With whom I made my bed,
    Who say where there’s a union
    You will see a left-wing Red!
    And all those city services
    for which they do implore
    Can go to private contracts
    for which you will pay more!

    Union Buster, that’s what I came to be.
    They didn’t know what they would get
    when they elected me.

    Yes, I’ve muzzled City Councillors
    And silence is their fate
    ‘Cause I’d like to run this city
    Like I’d run a feudal state.
    Should anyone oppose me
    Well, they’ll never get the floor
    And if they come to talk to me
    I’ll boot them out the door.

    Union Buster, that’s what I came to be.
    They didn’t know what they would get
    when they elected me.

And the sender sent me the lyrics from Viva La Vida by Cold Play:

  • I used to rule the world
    Seas would rise when I gave the word
    Now in the morning I sweep alone
    Sweep the streets I used to own

    I used to roll the dice
    Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
    Listen as the crowd would sing:
    "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"

    One minute I held the key
    Next the walls were closed on me
    And I discovered that my castles stand
    Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

    I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
    Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
    Be my mirror my sword and shield
    My missionaries in a foreign field
    For some reason I can't explain
    Once you go there was never, never an honest word
    That was when I ruled the world

    It was the wicked and wild wind
    Blew down the doors to let me in
    Shattered windows and the sound of drums
    People couldn't believe what I'd become

    Revolutionaries wait
    For my head on a silver plate
    Just a puppet on a lonely string
    Oh who would ever want to be king?

    I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
    Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
    Be my mirror my sword and shield
    My missionaries in a foreign field
    For some reason I can't explain
    I know Saint Peter will call my name
    Never an honest word
    But that was when I ruled the world
    (Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh)

    I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
    Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
    Be my mirror my sword and shield
    My missionaries in a foreign field
    For some reason I can't explain
    I know Saint Peter will call my name
    Never an honest word
    But that was when I ruled the world
    Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh

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