Monday, March 19, 2007

The Newsletter The Star Would Not Let You See

Watch for the crack investigative Star journalist team that broke the story on the ugly comments that were supposedly told to Senior Govenment officials in their "internal" MTO newsletter to do a story on what scraps of food were found in garbage cans after the Council feast tonight. I can see the headline---"Council leftovers could have fed welfare families"

I wonder if the Councillor formerly known as Councillor Budget will grandstand and come up with a compromise solution whereby Councillors can still eat well but pay a nominal amount, say as was done with his former employer who had such a program I was told.

Speaking of the MTO newsletter, why didn't the Star publish it if it was so damning to MTO. Remember the headline" "'Propaganda' miffs tunnel supporters"

Why it was a big deal at the Assumption border meeting too where the Star claimed that MTO's Dave Wake supposedly "apologized" and was made a big issue at the Pupatello Editorial Board interview with the Star.

Oh well, dear reader, if the Star won't publish something so crucial, the BLOGmeister will for your information:. Try and find the damaging line. It is one line in a 6 page newsletter as Dave Wake said. (I am not publishing all 6 pages, just 2 of them)

Please do not laugh too hard. The Star is trying for a Pulitzer Prize on this investigative effort. No wonder they did not publish it!

I think the Star should stick to the garbage cans. They will have more success there.

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