Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Compromising The Border Road

We have heard several times already that Councillor Bill Marra's Motion on the Tunnel has been postponed for the time being. The Star reported that:
  • "City council is holding off passing a resolution on a preferred option for the crossing, the plaza and tunneling the access route until Mayor Eddie Francis can hold further meetings with Ontario Transportation Minister Donna Cansfield."

However, the more important message was delivered by the Mayor previously that gave us a hint of what might be done:

  • "We want to engage the province to arrive on a solution the city can be proud of," Francis said.

    The mayor said simply presenting the provincial government with one option -- a tunnel -- was not the best course of action because a whole range of solutions are needed, including reducing the number of rail tracks in the city and creating a transportation hub at the airport. "

The key language was "a whole range of solutions." The Mayor, always with the Plan and a back-up Plan and back-up, back-up Plan has an alternative for everything.

Obviously, the likelihood of a tunnel being built here is becoming less and less. Accordingly, an alternative road is needed. While there is a multitude of choices, the H-faction on Council is very vociferous. They believe that

  • "It speaks volumes about our society's twisted priorities that maintaining a strip of tall grass prairie in a pristine state takes precedence over protecting the quality of life of generations of Windsor residents."

Taking the lead from the Councillor formerly known as Councillor Budget, and the hero of the losing Superior Park battle, this splinter group is suggesting:

  • "The goal has to be to keep it away from densely populated neighbourhoods... a tunnel under Talbot to Cabana, and then a new route through undeveloped lands to the west of Huron Church, in other words some variant of the Schwartz plan, would have the least impact on populated areas."

This group has apparently, on its own, hired an out of work automotive engineer who will work for in camera Council meeting food leftovers. He has come up with an ingenious design that should meet the needs of the H-faction and not offend the vast majority of the the Ojibway environmentalists.

My inside moles have again come through. Here is a first sketch of an above ground truck expressway through Ojibway and Spring Garden with a unique feature: a special lane for wildlife crossing as the deer migrate from Superior Park to their new home. Commerce will still move to the border quickly while respecting the sanctity of this important environmental area.

And in case you are wondering...this is BLOG all a joke. No one would ever think of doing this would they? Now really, no one would spend taxpayer money on an overpass that no one uses! Say like one on Huron Church Road.

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