Wednesday, March 21, 2007

More Short Ones

Just a few more stories that I found interesting to start off the Spring season:


I am sure you noticed about the Tunnel Bus that "Transit administrators proposed increasing the cost of the tunnel bus by 25 cents to $3 per trip to make the service break even, but the proposal was rejected."

Why break even right, continue to lose $25,000 per year. Windsor can afford to subsidize users. While "City officials stripped the Transit Windsor budget to its bare bones" it left losses in the cross-border service.

Here's a reason there may be a loss:

  • "Transit Windsor, DDOT and SMART have partnered to develop a single transfer system for bus passengers traveling between Detroit and Windsor. In the past, customers traveling between the two countries could not use transfers between the different systems...For DDOT and SMART customers, the transfer will allow a fifty-cent reduction on the Transit Windsor tunnel bus fare...

    The six-month pilot project is effective October 30, 2006 until April 20, 2007 and will be assessed during this period."

According to the Detroit Free Press "Roughly 225,000 passengers a year use the tunnel bus between Detroit and Windsor."

Frankly, I would not argue against what was done IF it brings tourists to Windsor. However, I think I may know the reason why the fares were not increased. Eddie learned that increasing tolls caused a huge loss at the Tunnel. So he feared an increase would cut ridership drastically so that perhaps not as many buses would use the Tunnel.

Transit Windsor pays money to the Windsor Tunnel Commission for each bus that uses the Tunnel. Transit tried to kill the service (or the payments) to reduce money during Budget time last year I was told. The WTC went ballistic since it would mean a reduction in revenues. Not such a good idea if the Tunnel needs to show HIGH income. It could also mean a reduction in what the WTC paid the City as a "dividend" which meant taxes would go higher. I was told last year that the tolls paid were close to $300K.

So the City, as required, subsidizes Transit Windsor who pays tolls to the WTC who paid a dividend to the City who subsidizes Transit Windsor who pays tolls.....!


I don't think the Mayor and Council members should be given free parking spaces outside of City Hall any longer. Surely, if the view is that we should not feed them, then let them take Transit Windsor to the Council meetings too.


Oh, I saw on the City Website that "Mayor Eddie Francis Releases National Transit Strategy Proposal." Mind you I was not sure to whom he released it since he was not a member of the committee.

This was interesting though, Eddie Francis said:

  • “The Canadian Urban Transit Association says transit systems across the country need $20.7 billion for infrastructure from now to 2010,” said Mayor Eddie Francis. “That’s about $4.2 billion a year to keep our systems running and expand them to accommodate more riders. Without predictable, long-term funding, municipalities cannot plan and finance long-term transit projects.”

Edmonton Councillor Karen Leibovici, a member of FCM’s Executive Committee said:

  • “The Canadian Urban Transit Association says transit systems across the country need $20.7 billion for infrastructure from now to 2010...” “That’s about $4.2 billion a year to keep our systems running and expand them to accommodate more riders. Without predictable, long-term funding, municipalities cannot plan and finance long-term transit projects.”

Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay said:

  • “The Canadian Urban Transit Association says transit systems across the country need $20.7 billion for infrastructure from now to 2010...” “That’s about $4.2 billion a year to keep our systems running and expand them to accommodate more riders. Without predictable, long-term funding, Montreal and other municipalities cannot plan and finance long-term infrastructure projects like transit systems. "

You see, Eddie does not need new PR flacks. He can just say what other Big City-types say.


I wonder how much he was supposed to get paid for his speech and appearance before Eddie cancelled the sesion at the Capitol. I wonder how much he received due to the cancellation

Actually, the CAO "authorized" to himself under his CAO Approval Notice the entering into the contract with Murray. That Notice did not set out the fee amount but left that to the CAO and Treasurer. No elected official fingerprints on it at all.

I did NOT see such an approval notice for the Diane Francis contract. Who signed that one?

The contract was not signed personally with Murray but rather with Navigator where he works. In case you wondered about Navigator:

  • "Estrin soon after hired New York traffic expert Sam Schwartz to come up with a bypass plan, followed later by his adding government lobbying and public relations firm Navigator Ltd. -- led by Liberal insider Warren Kinsella. Kinsella -- best known as a former adviser to Prime Minister Jean Chretien -- was officially listed as lobbyist for the city of Windsor between Dec. 20, 2004, and June 23, 2005 -- the same period when the Schwartz plan was laid out to Windsor residents and industry and government leaders. "

I noticed also that the CAO approved a US $15,000 amount to sponsor an industry dinner at the Car show in Detroit (out of the economic development fund). I wonder then why the Fire Dept was made to beg publicly for their $7,000 for the Firefest & Firefighter's Combat Challenge Regional Competition.


According to the Star "It’s [the Barn] a home the Windsor Spitfires could never get comfortable in this season...

  • “Guys in the league have played here (on other teams) and they know it’s a smaller rink and you have to move it quick because guys are right on top of you,” said Spitfires overage defenceman Scott Todd, who played his last home game. “They know you have to move the puck quick, but it took us the first 25 games to learn that.”

Imagine how long it would take the players to learn how to play in the new arena. The fans would never stand for the years of losses...

Here is another reason to scrap the East End Arena.


I expect that Sandra will get her knuckles rapped for making such a nasty comment about Jeff Watson, the Conservative MP:

  • "it would be great if there was a local Conservative MP "who can actually speak to the prime minister's office."

Didn't she get the memo about Harper and McGuinty being best buddies, until at least the end of the budget debate!


Now we are never going to learn why the CAO had to be given a $200K discretion on that Sutherland parking lot and we won't learn if the whole deal was to stop the Bridge Co.

I getting more and more disappointed in the Newbies. They have been co-opted so easily it seems


We get offended when Stephen Colbert attacks us. Oshawa holds a festiveal with Don Cherry as the draw


I am sure that you saw this:

  • "Administration recommends the elimination of the annual retirees' banquet where gifts and certificates are presented in acknowledgement of service to the city. Its elimination would save $30,000."

Hmmmm don't Administrators also enjoy the free Council dinners on Monday nights at a yearly tab of $35,000

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