Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The BLOGmeister Gets Letters

Keep sending in those letters so that others can read different points of view!

By the way, if you are a member of an ARTS group or have had a connection with the Capitol Theatre, you might want to read the last letter sent in by a reader.

Why pay $10 to support the closure of your theatre when you watch true theatre unfolding---real life drama--- instead as my reader suggests in front of the Capitol on Thursday evening.
  • 1) "Why don't we "turf" the Commission and the whole bunch and have John Millson do the job. It was reported that he is currently spending a lot of time in Alberta attempting to put together joint venture business deals for Windsor/Essex County.

    John is an excellent Ambassador of the City and all of Essex County, well respected, knows the area like the back of his hand. John may not know much about gazelles but he sure knows a lot about race horses....and it is going to take a true Northern Dancer or Triple Crown winner to get things done in this area under the current economic conditions.

    Gazelles may run faster but I'll put my money on the horse for intellligence and stamina."

  • 2) "We can already see the gazelles losing weight. Fast.

    They should put up a higher fence so none of them can jump out to feed on the other side of the fence, (Other side of London for geographic purposes).

    Okay let's see here.......If creditors are not behind business, and we have seen places closing,(no names be said)it doesn't matter how much fertilizer is spread out there gazelles are going to starve.

    So the creation of this position will benefit how exactly?

    I have a letter from a local MPP that knows jobs have been packing up and leaving yet they won't do anything about it.

    What's left to sell about this area except empty buildings?

    I think we need less analogies and more action.

    If the new position's office were in Calgary, that would show a lot of forward business thinking.

    It's about time for visionary people. Windsor deserves it.

  • 3) The Star mentioned local politicians that were at attendance [at the Assumption School border meeting].

    Were there any politicians that are significant enough to do anything? Or were they there to complain?

    I quote.."You want to eliminate those international trucks ... coming through our neighborhoods and communities," said Windsor West MP Brian Masse.

    Elimination? Come on. Strong rhetoric. Why not just tell the business world to stay away. Like that isn't already happening. I read that loud and clear from an opposition MP at that.

    Where are we going on this? Nowhere fast. And trucks continue to roll.

  • 4) Outside of all our problems with no action from Toronto Central (the center of the universe where all is focused) or even the federal side which continues to commit billions of dollars to aid Toronto (which does not need such aid, only wants) we get nothing here with the real Canada ending somewhere near Chatham (look at what it has taken, the years, to finally get 3 lanes of the 401 near Windsor!).

    Therefore I am suggesting we separate from Canada, join the states, build our crossings, a few of them, let us develop fully as South Detroit (as we are called by them anyways) and then put large toll booths on our newly named I - 98 where it meets up with the 401 near Chatham and charge proper tolls to pay for the new massive custom areas build on cheaper land.

    Of course all this new work would be highly environmental and we would be commended on doing such natural net zero energy developments in all our new work with wind farms, green roofs and highly effective buildings. An environmental and financial win win while letting the governments that continually push us aside know that we will not take being at the end of the road any longer.

    Keep up the good work, we need more of it, thank you.

    5) With the current planned last day of operations of the Capitol Theatre & Arts Centre being March 9, 2007, this still allows the Mayor to have his showcase event, "Looking Forward: Windsor's Future in a Changing World" on March 8. It still allows the City to give the illusion that it's "doing something" with respect to arts and culture.

    Yet an event scheduled to begin at the Capitol on March 10, 2007, a production of "Dorian Gray" directed by the President of the Arts Council - Windsor & Region no less, is getting axed. And it's getting axed for the 2nd time, mind you; the Capitol postponed the "Dorian Gray" production once already last fall.

    Now the director of this production, its actors, set designers, tech. people, all of whom have been working tirelessly without pay -- and certainly without the kind of pay the two consultants visiting our fair "arts-friendly" city on Thursday are going to be seeing -- these folks are now simply expected to say what? "Okay, thanks Capitol Theatre and City of Windsor. Thanks for giving it that old college try"? Right. Some try.

    I can only hope, though in my heart I know it's foolish to do so, that this is dumb luck and sheer coincidence. What is further ironic about the Mayor's event taking place on March 8 is that one of the speakers, Glen Murray, will talk about "how strengthening the links between the arts, culture and the economy enhances our creativity and quality of life, creating a more attractive city and urban wealth." That is a direct quote from the press release for this event. And 2 days later, the community arts venue where Mr. Murray will be saying these things will be closed.

    It's like a scene out of some poorly-written movie. No one would believe it. I'm embarrassed for Windsor -- as if our image isn't bad enough to start with. And I'm embarrassed over the behaviour of the City and the Capitol in this entire matter.

    We should all be ashamed.

    6) If there were ever a time for this community to be outraged enough to do some picketing and protesting that actually showed some legitimate outrage, that time and place would be Thursday evening, March 8, at 6pm, in front of the Capitol Theatre.

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