Thursday, March 15, 2007

Making Long Stories Shorter

I am sensitive to the fact that my BLOGs are very long and involved.

Generally, if I write something, it is to give you the background and reasoning behind an issue and to tell you where I think it is going. Unfortunately, it sometimes takes up a lot of space because it is so involved. I hope you understand.

To make up for my wordiness, here are some short stories for you:


Now where did you think some of those production went when the Capitol said it was closing down:
  1. Canada South Performing Arts presents DORIAN GRAY went to Mackenzie Hall
  2. MJM Entertainment Productions Presents "It's Over in the Clover!" went to Mackenzie Hall
  3. Korda Artistic Productions presents Shakespeare's Romantic ComedyMUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING at Mackenzie Hall

Here's something you may not have known: "In 1981, an organization of concerned citizens, the Friends of the Court, formed to save the abandoned hall. Within two years the City of Windsor purchased Mackenzie Hall and began an extensive restoration process."

I wonder if the City will be forced to buy the Capitol from the purchaser from the Trustee if I am right that the City may not be able to obtain possession of the building if there is a bankruptcy. [NOTE: Please remember, I have not been provided with any documentation so I may be wrong but it is a question that needs answering by the City]


Just remember this section:

    32. (1) A Sole Source purchase may be used for the purchasing of goods and/or services for Contracts of any Contract value, in the following circumstances:
  • (i) Where a public/private partnership exists.

If there is a Tunnel deal with no public discussion, this section will justify it.

Interestingly, this section of the By-law was amended after Eddie became Mayor I was told and after the MFP fiasco. So much for controls to prevent another MFP.


Hey Brian, it does NOT exist. That is the ultimate in not being controlled isn't it. A note from a person in the Buffalo area:

  • "I always refer to the Buffalo and Fort Erie PUBLIC Bridge Authority by their given name and not the PEACE Bridge Authority which is what they prefer. There is no such animal as the PEACE Bridge Authority."


Wow, three five star reviews already on Amazon for the Governor's Hubby's new book including one from Ontario!

Incredibly one reviewer "will buy more of these books for my everyday leaders -- my mom, my best friend, and a few folks at work and help them step into leadership."

Now the Author is not above doing a sneaky thing to encourage sales of his book like

  • "Bookstores and distributors often base their buying decisions on sales of a book on Amazon. So, if you were considering buying it online, I would be very grateful if you’d do it this week at Amazon to help me move up their list!"

But it's ok..."Your purchase will also support a great cause, as I am donating my proceeds to support Mentor Michigan." And it worked too from 248,000th place on Amazon's List on Monday morning, up to the 600s.


What an absurd term to use. Which brilliant sloganeer though that up presumably to distinguish the Conservative Government from the old, tired Liberal one

The Harper Government was elected in January, 2006. If it were a drug for animal health, the term "new" could only be used for a maximum of one year. I assume that the use of the word "new" is designed to drug humans until after the next election.


Why are Councillors so silent on the Capitol mess? Obviously, Eddie has told them his game-plan or rather that part of it that he wants them to know. Wouldn't it be nice to share it with taxpayers?


It is being proposed at Council.

I bet that Councillor Marra supports it. He should. Another election platform of his when he ran for Mayor in 2003 taken by Eddie


A resolution and by-law are being proposed dealing with this subject in relation to the Science Centre. The effect wil be that no municipal property or education taxes will have to be paid.

Why couldn't this have been proposed with the Capitol whose taxes were in arrears anyway, almost $43,000 worth.


Ohhhhhhhh, now we know how we got those fantastic Sutherland IT jobs. The City agreed to spend up to $500,000 to "support the development of a municipal parking lot" for them. You see, there was a desire that the employees' cars not intrude into the neighbourhood.

I wonder if the employees will be charged for parking or is that a freebie gift from taxpayers?

By a remarkable co-incidence, on the Council agenda as well is "Update on Ontario Works Recruitment with Sutherland Global Services"

Social Services Department "will continue to build on our success. "


The beginnig of the end of the Barn has started. It will be torn down for our new Signature City Hall and Eddie Francis Sqaure to be built after the Tunnel Plaza Improvements are finished.

The Capital Budget Committee will discuss paying for upgrading the dressing rooms and enhancing its heritage componnets. The costs will be huge once detailed plans are drafted and the work will be deferred until times are better and all the roads and sewers in the City are fixed first. (It is to be considered along with other capital projects you see) With our new arena, the pressure is off to do a lot of work at the Barn, right!

It won't be made a heritage building as Councilor Halberstadt wants since that would put a real monkey-wrench in the plans for our new downtown focused around the Casino district. We will "celebrate its historical significance through static and interative displays" that do not mess up the plans for the area.

Seriously, who dreams up this language....does anyone really speak this way?


Only $7,000 for their Combat Challenge to be charged against the fire reserve account.

It will be fun watching how Council handles this one. Probably on the Consent Agenda!


School kids get March break. Lonely Bloggers should have one too. In the US, there is something called Sunshine week which takes place this year on March 11-17, 2007

Its purpose: promote open government and freedom of information

  • "Sunshine Week is a national initiative to open a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information. Participants include print, broadcast and online news media, civic groups, libraries, non-profits, schools and others interested in the public's right to know....

    Sunshine Week is about the public's right to know what its government is doing, and why. Sunshine Week seeks to enlighten and empower people to play an active role in their government at all levels, and to give them access to information that makes their lives better and their communities stronger."

Do we ever need some sunshine in this City to go along with the hot air!

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