Tuesday, March 20, 2007

4848 Served And Counting

The internet is truly a marvelous tool. You can join the party too by going to www.youtube.com and going to the search box in the top right corner and inserting "ambassador bridge"

4848 is the number of YouTube views to watch the Ambassador Bridge Co. animation as of 9 PM on Monday night.. [As of 6:30 AM this morning, the number rose to 5585]

And to those who have asked, no it was not eligible for the "YouTube Video Awards to recognize the best-user created videos." Neither was my 14 second video commentary although it has had about 500 hits so far. [and BLAHHHH to the guy who said he did not like my shirt!]

I hear that some of the West end activists and politicos may nominate it for "most adorable video ever" next year.

Why one of them was so taken by it, that he/she wrote back to me a one word e-mail after receiving mine the other day telling about it and how it would not destroy the West End.

The email said "Please." [which I took to mean I give up]

So I wrote back saying "Yes it is pleasing!"

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