Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hitting Back At The Star

Someone must be prescient at CUPE and knew how ridiculous the Star Editorial would be like on the 6th.

Perhaps the Mayor, if he chooses to run again, and some of the Councillors may finally understand that the Union is serious.

Now if only CUPE's lawyers will use the "stairwell incident" and Councillor Postma's comments and give an opinion about whether the City has bargained in good faith or not. If the answer is that the City has not done so, then a Complaint can be filed with the Labour Board as CUPE did in Toronto!

Who will have to take responsibility if that happens as the Head of Council:

Blame Eddie!

Here is the CUPE Message to members on June 5:

  • "Cancel Your Windsor Star Subscription Day

    On Monday, June 8, we are asking all members to contact the Windsor Star (519-255-5774 – then press 1 and then press 0 and wait for an operator) and cancel your subscription due to the biased reporting against CUPE. Be sure to explain how unhappy you are with their one-sided reporting."

It will be interesting to see what happens and whether others outside of CUPE join in.

No big loss for readers. It is online for free.

PS. A reader suggested:

  • "It occurred to me that it would be both educational and fun for those who intend to cancel their subscription to email a short note to Dennis Skulsky at "

Dennis is "the President and Chief Executive Officer of Canwest Publishing. Appointed to this role in May of 2006, Mr. Skulsky oversees the Company's print and online assets, including ten metro dailies"

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