Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Blame Postma

Silly me.

I should have understood. Nothing bad can ever be the fault of our Mayor. There always has to be someone else who will fall on the sword for him. Or be pushed.

I know I should not repost this but Eddie's comment so infuriated me that I had to remind you of it:
  • "Hearing that Ryan had told reporters at the CUPE news conference that the union had heard "on fairly good authority it was actually 6-4," Francis blasted those on the city side he claims are feeding false information to the strikers. He blamed the protracted labour dispute in part on the "overreliance placed (by CUPE) on what they've heard from a member of council."

    As with Ryan the night before, Francis urged an end to "third-parties injecting themselves into the negotiations" on the part of both sides."

Those strikers who picketed the Mayor's home made a huge mistake. Instead, they should have been at Councillor Mom's house terrorizing her family. That's because in part the protracted labour dispute is her fault. Just ask the Mayor.

Those strikers and members of the public who read Caroline's BLOG and relied on it made a huge mistake. Instead, they should be kept in the dark with media blackouts unless Eddie speaks of course. That's because in part the protracted labour dispute is her fault. Just ask the Mayor.

Those people who believe that arbitration is now the only solution even though the Motion Caroline seconded was lost made a huge mistake. Instead, they should swallow that negotiations are the only solution so that the City negotiators can negotiate with themselves. That's because in part the protracted labour dispute is her fault. Just ask the Mayor.

Don't you find this odd though. Eddie wants all third parties to stay out of what is going on yet when there is a problem he has to find someone else to take the hit.

Oh I completely understand that "part" of the problem is the Councillor. I just wonder which part we can blame on the Mayor!

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