Monday, June 8, 2009


Becky took the cancellation at 7:40 AM. I have never done such a thing before. Today's Editorial after the one on Saturday was so over the top that I had enough.

I am NOT pro-CUPE contrary to what some may think. I am NOT anti-CUPE either. I am just a Windsorite who cannot believe that this City workers strike has gone on for so long.

I am also a Star reader who has had enough of the one-sideness of the only newspaper in town, not only on this issue but on other ones as well.

If CUPE wants to end this strike there is only ONE tactic to use:


The poor Mayor must be feeling the heat. The CKLW talk-in show and now the Editorial fingering Council. It's too bad D-day had to intervene or we might have seen a Henderson attack as well!

Obviously, the Editorial today was to deflect attention from the person who could help end this strike now. It was designed to put the blame on Sid Ryan instead. I could have sympathy for that position except for 2 matters:

  • 1) The stairwell deal that brought the parties back to the bargaining table except there was nothing to negotiate with the City

  • 2) Councillor Postma's comments which have never been refuted:

    "Last week we made the decision to allow our team more freedom to negotiate a contract that is fair to both parties and we also agreed that binding arbitration is not the right path for us. I strongly believe that for the past 7 weeks council has not given our negotiating team the tools to truly negotiate. We have set parameters for them but have not given them the autonomy required to get a contract. In essence they have been negotiating with themselves...

    I am not sure what the next steps are other than to get back to the table and negotiate the contract. CUPE Local 82 provided a proposal last and the City must respond to it, so the ball is in our court now..."

There is no hope of negotiations unless a couple of Councillors change their position. Councillor Halberstadt should finally be one of them:

  • "Meanwhile, Coun. Alan Halberstadt suggested it might be time to get Queen's Park involved, noting the legislature could vote to order the 1,800 striking city workers back on the job. He said back-to-work votes sent striking Ottawa OC Transpo workers back to their busses and striking city of Toronto workers back to their jobs...

    Francis said the idea is a non-starter."

What interests me is how citizens have been manipulated. "Taking back our Parks!" Yes, not the Ford track grass cutting diversion but cutting the grass for Art in the Park.

How can the Star seriously run a story like this:

  • "A potential confrontation between striking city workers and community members planning to cut grass at a park fizzled Saturday when no one showed up with a lawn mower.

    Mike Morency, who helped organized a group of grass cutters last weekend at Ford Test Track, was hoping to do the same Saturday at Forest Glade Optimist Park..

    He claimed hundreds of people wanted to come, but he sent out a message Saturday morning telling them not to.

    "Our people were scared away by the intimidation of having possibly as many as 1,800 CUPE members here today," he told the media.

    "I was called last night and told the picket captains have been instructed to bring all their pickets here today. That doesn't appear to be the case."

Remember the comment the Mayor made when the CAW rejected their Union's Casino contract. Read this and tell me if you were as disgusted as I:

  • "The employees have demonstrated respect for Art in the Park and our veterans," Francis said, adding that he hopes the same will happen next weekend during the Red Bull Air Race at the downtown waterfront.

    However, Francis said he was concerned about CUPE's plans to bring members and supporters from across the province to a rally in Windsor this Friday.

    "I know our employees recognize the importance of (the Red Bull Air Race) and the fact that Windsor will be on the world stage," Francis said. "But I'm worried about those coming from out of town... this is not their city and they don't have a vested interest in our community. I don't know what they will do."

Worry about our investment opportunity Eddie. Not the people.

It seems that Eddie has difficulty understanding why CUPE Windsor members want to have the big demonstration on Friday and that those coming in from out of town might be more interested in seeing their colleagues back at work than worrying about circuses on world stages. This is their way of showing it.

  • "Contrary to an e-mail that has been circulated to city officials, councillors, local media and residents, Francis said he will not be leaving town.

    "I'm here all week," he said.

What a pity. He is here. So what. There are no negotiations going on.

I have had enough. Cancelling the Star subscription is my small contribution to trying to end what is wrong with this City.

I should have done it before. A long time ago.

PS. I sent a note to Dennis Skulsky as well!

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