Wednesday, June 10, 2009

City/CUPE Need Expert Assistance

Ooooooo things are getting very spy-like or secret high diplomatic in the CUPE talks:
  • "Weeks have passed since the last set of formal negotiations broke off in acrimony, but back-channel talks continue between the two sides in the two-month-old city workers strike, Mayor Eddie Francis said Tuesday.

    "The lines of communication remain open," Francis told The Star. He said the city's negotiating team has been holding informal discussions with CUPE leaders."

However, we cannot have any REAL negotiations until the Mayor's terms are met. You see that is how he structures mediation as with Greenlink:

  • "And he said there will be no new round of negotiations unless there's a real chance of a deal.

    A lot of things have to be considered. If we go back to the table, there has to be a deal ... so we're not in a room and just staring at each other," he said."

Like what happened after the stairwell deal that never was. Our Mayor decides you see when there is a chance of a deal, no one else.

I saw this news story and immediately thought why couldn't it work here too to resolve the CITY/CUPE strike.

I am bending over backwards here, dear reader, and giving in too much to Eddie's hissy-fits but he is the Voice of Council especially during media black-outs so I may as well try to humour him.

It would not be binding arbitration so the City would not get upset.

It is similar to mediation in which both sides have been engaged but the subject is limited just as Eddie wanted on the Greenlink mediation with the Province.

It makes terrific sense to me. Even if the person does live more than 4-500 KMs away!

  • Retired judge James Farley appointed to mediate Air Canada pension dispute

    June 04, 2009

    OTTAWA - The federal government is appointing former Ontario Superior Court judge James Farley to mediate Air Canada's pension dispute.

    Finance Minister Jim Flaherty says Farley will be responsible for devising a sustainable path for the airline's pension plan that is acceptable to Air Canada, its unions and its retiree association.

Just like with Air Canada, there is really only one issue involved----post retirement benefits. Oh I know that there is a Labour Mediator involved but he has not been too successful. He is probably used to dealing with traditional labour issues in normal strike situations. Nothing is ever normal in Windsor matters.

We need someone with a different perspective entirely to help out.

We need someone with a fresh pair of eyes who can see through the clutter and can see straight. No, not someone like this person!

Here are a few of my suggestions:

We'd find out quickly if someone was hiding something! Who could say NO to her. More than that, the DWBIA would be onside too eh Larry!

Heck, both sides are a bunch of clowns the way they have carried on.

He can make all the problems vanish

We'd quickly learn who is telling the truth or not.

No more minor leaguers to resolve this. We need the A-team!

If this is what the whole dispute has become, then he is perfect for the job.

Your suggestions would be most welcome!

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