Tuesday, June 9, 2009

CKLW Arbitration Poll

I am sure that you remember this story of the other day:

  • "Cupe poll says majority supports arbitration

    A majority of Windsorites favour binding arbitration to end a nearly two-month strike by city workers, according to a poll commissioned by the Canadian Union of Public Employees.

    "It's a two-to-one response in favour of arbitration -- I think that's incredible," said CUPE Local 543 president Jean Fox, who represents inside workers.

    Of 258 Windsor residents surveyed, 65.6 per cent agreed that an "independent, neutral arbitrator" should be brought in to decide all outstanding issues."
Naturally since the results did not go his way, Old MacFrancis said:
  • "Mayor Eddie Francis discounted the poll results, saying his office has been "flooded by calls" urging the city to hold the line.

    Council has been very clear -- we're not prepared to give away the farm."

Now the Strapon "W" station did one of their polls and the results for going to arbitration are almost exactly the same.

Of course this one will be dismissed because it is not "scientific." Over 3,000 people responded to the poll too.

I am surprised that the Star did not ask the Mayor for his reaction to the request of the Windsor Concerned Citizens Action Committee "to return to the bargaining table or submit to binding arbitration to resolve the eight-week city workers strike."

Oh they probably knew that he would say:


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