Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Watch the Star on Saturday. A super co-ordinated attack on all fronts:
  • a Greenlink ad will be fuming

  • if he has a column, Gord Henderson will be fuming

  • the Editorial will be fuming

  • the Editorial cartoon will be fuming

  • the Page A3 columnist will be fuming

  • the Letters to the Editors writers will be fuming

  • in Star news stories, citizens will be fuming.

On Monday night at Council, Councillor Gignac will be fuming and will be demand that a letter be written to the Premier again, this time demanding that he come in front of Windsor Council to answer Council's questions.

What's this all about:

  • "The bulk of the jobs associated with building a border access road won't be created until the fall of 2010 — at the earliest — and it is only preparatory work that might begin later this year, provincial officials said in Windsor Tuesday. "

Weren't you surprised there was nothing in the paper yesterday? I expected a denouncing of those DRIC people by City Hall. But nothing!

Oh I get it....our Leaders were taken by surprise. Wait for the massive retaliation after they regroup the troops for the final days of the battle. Already the Teshuba Tunnel forces are lining up with the City Hall Communications Group, whoever they are:

  • "Hi, (bccing selected)

    Just to follow-up with the recent announcement about Feb 17th, we are having a venue planning meeting on Wednesday Feb 11th at 3:30 pm with City Communications officers, at South Windsor Arena. (sorry for the short notice, as it only recently became confirmed, and we are working with a tight timeline)

    Your input and assistance in sharing ideas for the set-up and agenda would be appreciated if you are able to attend."

Their rallying cry will be that the process is contaminated...get those letters Eddie!

A new reason to stall and to threaten litigation. Will it ever end.

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