Thursday, February 19, 2009

Call For A Judicial Investigation

There is a time to be silly and to be able to joke around and then there is a time to be serious. This is one of those occasions that demand that serious action be considered.

Let me get right to the point. In my opinion, there is an immediate need for a Judicial Inquiry for Windsor. There is a matter of utmost concern that must be dealt with forthwith under due process of law. We need to discover the truth and we need to discover it now. No more of these whitewash WUC Audits or400 Building extravaganzas that last forever.

Forget the border and the DRIC Road/Greenlink controversy. Who cares about the Undevelopment Commission. The tax rate for 2009… that can be dealt with later. Audits on the 400 Building, Huron Lodge and the Arena will take decades before they are finalized.

No, dear reader, we must deal with the most fundamental of issues in this City.

Council Dinners!

As I am sure you understand from that story in the Star some time ago, Bloggers are lonely people. We sit around at our PCs and surf the net for hours and hours looking for information that we can convey to our readers. I admit it, that describes me to a “T.”

But it is worse for me personally. I read City Council Minutes. It is so bad for me, and I recognize it now, because I used to enjoy reading them!

Every single week almost I would see something similar to what I posted above:
  • "Border Update – update on Legal matters (verbal report as necessary)."

Almost every Monday night in the Minutes I would see the reference to Border Update. I could not believe it. What possibly could they be discussing? Oh I knew it was something important because they wanted it done verbally. They did not want a written record. It was clearly so secret so that the Mayor and Council could have “plausible deniability” if they were ever questioned.

Record, what record? There was nothing in writing so they were safe. How diabolical I thought. How clever.

But now the truth is out. Oh sure, I could send it to the Integrity Commissioner and I may well do that. However, I need to hear testimony and under oath about what really happened. We need a Judge of the Supreme Court of Ontario to undertake the most searching of inquiries to find out exactly what was on the menus.

Of course, the person who gave it away was our Mayor. That I don’t understand:

  • “Francis said that as a result of the decision to end free meals, council will no longer hold in-camera meetings before the 6 p.m. Monday public meeting.

    The later start will give councillors and staff a chance to eat, Francis said.

    "I sometimes question why we have in-camera because stuff (confidential information) gets out there anyway," the mayor said in frustration."

In passing, I wonder if he was taking a shot at my inside moles who find out all of this confidential information. The only other distributor of Confidential Information that I am aware of was the person or persons who used to give it out to the former A3 Star columnist.

It is now absolutely clear. The only reason that they had in camera meetings was to eat a free dinner! It had nothing to do with secrecy, nothing to do with open and transparent government. No free dinner, no in camera meetings.

I think the Councillors were rather unfair to our Mayor. He is the only full-time member of Council. He works from nine to whenever every night. As part-timers, the Councillors can come to Council minutes before the Council meeting. They would have been fully fed and happy.

Pity the Mayor. Right after he ended work, he would have to go immediately into the Council session, hungry and thirsty. Imagine the mood he would be in and then he would have to sit around for hours listening to delegations and then Councillors on an empty stomach. It would be a sight to see. Cogeco might have to give the Council Meeting an “X” rating.

I understand it now. “Border Update” was a code word. It meant “Come and get it. Prime rib and shrimp tonight!” As the Star correctly pointed out, there was the lamb chop controversy a few years ago.

I know that there may be a City workers strike but consider this:

  • “CAO John Skorobohacz told councillors that getting rid of coffee and water at daytime city hall staff meetings this year could save up to four clerical jobs.”

At the City Hall pay structure including benefits, we are probably talking at least $500,000 or more. It is no wonder that the staff members at the Tim Horton’s nearby are wearing Rolex watches and diamond rings. They must be getting huge bonuses and tips. That outlet must be the #1 franchise location in North America.

It is no wonder that the City had to install those modern toilets in the various City buildings after employees drank all of that coffee and water.

Some of my readers have difficulty believing some of the things that I say. I know that. I sometimes have difficulty Blogging it too. When I said that the Mayor treats the Councillors like kindergarten children, a few of you may have felt that I was over-exaggerating. If so, then please tell me how do you explain this:

  • “Francis said that in-camera meetings, if required, will be held after the public meetings.”

What does that sound like to you? Do you remember when you were in public school and if you were a bad student and did something wrong? What happened? The Teacher gave you a detention and made you come in to the office after school so that you would learn how to behave.

Please explain to me then what the difference is. Mayor/Principal Francis is giving a detention to his Councillors/Kindergarten students. They have to go into another meeting right after Council.

Next time, they will learn not to take away free dinners.

It is time that the Provincial Government stepped in and under the provisions of the relevant legislation appointed a Judge to look into this matter. Clearly, if there was no legal reason for an in camera meeting, none should have been held and no food should have been ordered.

Over a considerable period of time, a tremendous amount of food would have been ordered and eaten by Members of Council. Taxpayers need an accounting. The City Accounts need reimbursement if there has been wrongdoing.

Judicial action is required immediately. Minister, get moving. It does not bother me at all if some of the Members of Council get heartburn.

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