Monday, February 16, 2009

Border BLOGMeister Update


In the Star last Monday, there was an article in the Editorial Section "'Smart power' and Canada." It was written by Fen Osler Hampson who is chancellor's professor and director of the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs and co-chair of the Carleton University Canada-U.S. Project.

Does that sound familiar? It should. She is is an associate of Derek Burney about whom I wrote extensively.

In all of the lines that she wrote, here are the key ones:
  • "Partnering with the United States on global issues may also prove critical to get its attention on a narrower set of border issues ranging from regulatory reform to facilitating cross-border trade -- issues which matter more to us than they do to the United States...

    A "smart power" approach to these problems should also encompass discussions about investment in infrastructure, research and development, conservation, and a commitment to agree on climate change policies on both sides of the border that are consonant with sustained economic growth.

    Canada should stand at the front of the line as Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton reach out to America's friends and allies.

    As America's "most important trading partner," we don't want to be taken for granted. But this tagline won't mean much unless we make a lot more out of our special relationship by energizing our own diplomacy with Washington."

Trade is really what is important to Canada, not Afghanistan, nuclear non-proliferation, not the environment. Suck up to the Americans and pretend to be their great partner so that we can preserve our economic growth and entry into the United States.

What is important is infrastructure and controlling the Ambassador Bridge! Make sure that Canada is in charge of the corridors and gateways between Canada and the United States and use any means necessary to do so.

It does not matter how many soldiers come back in body bags.

And just in case that President Obama does not have enough reading material for his Canadian trip, a new report was issued by the Canadian International Council, the Organization where Michael Kergin did his report:
  • "In Search of Effective Border Management"
The author is part of the "CIC Border Issues Working Group" of which Kergin is the Chair.

I won't bore you with the Report's details other than to say that there is no strong demand to build a DRIC bridge at all. That was a surprise. There is no point dealing with the Report because it came out too late. The Americans will not have the time to try and digest it.

However, here is a line that should help you understand again the context in which the border file is being dealt with. It is part of a 50 year Canadian policy that in American terms is bi-partisan. The take-over of the Ambassador Bridge is its symbol:
  • "In comparison with the US, Canada has a greater economic dependence on export markets, especially American markets. This dependence increases the relative importance of integrating economic and security policies, while investing in the border infrastructure necessary to make these systems function efectively."

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