Thursday, February 19, 2009


I will put it as simply as I can:

  • The Province needs to take over the running of Windsor and Essex County. This area is a shambles.
Brian Gregg CAO of Essex County has now said that he intends to resign from the Board of the Undevelopment Commission. He joins up with John Skorobohacz, the CAO of Windsor, who also resigned.

That really ought not to be such a big deal if the two CAOs told their Councils about what was going on with the Commission. Presumably they knew, because the Board in their letter of the 19th said the decision had been made to resign on the 12th. The only part that bothers me is the charade that went on at County Council last night. Citizens were fooled, right!

The two CAOs would not resign on their own. After all, that would be undercutting the Mayor and the Warden and their Councils. No subordinate would dare do that without risking termination.

However all is not so clear. I am told that certain members of County Council were not aware of the Board letter until this morning and were unaware that Mr. Gregg was going to resign until they received his letter.

I frankly do not have the resources to contact each Mayor and find out what they knew and when to know what the truth is. Perhaps the media could do their job for once! As far as I am concerned this is a continuation of the farce of the Undevelopment Commission.

There is the absolute need to have a full and thorough forensic audit of the Commission and an investigation of who knew what with respect to the Board's actions in the last few weeks.

There are millions of taxpayer dollars and funds that came from the Credit Union that are at stake even forgetting about the economic problems of this Region that everybody seems to be ignoring for their own egos.

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