Tuesday, February 17, 2009

400 Building Audit Executive Summary

Read it for yourself. Not very pleasant reading from what I have read so far.

Part I is primarily financial. Wait until Part II comes out in several months. It deals with:
  • "A review of how the project approval process was conducted in compliance with the City’s Purchasing By-Law, the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Common Law governing procurement by public authorities, with respect to the award of the contracts for the building construction and for the building fit-ups:

    - This will include a review of the selection of proponent and the information reported to Council for decision-making purposes (including a determination as to whether the costs, benefits and risks of the project were appropriately and clearly presented)."
We should learn about why St. Clair pulled out and the consequences to the project. We should also see I trust a discussion about the comparison of the proposals that were submitted to determine whose proposal was best and/or most cost effective. Hopefully, it will look at the RFP itself that would indicate what type of building the City wanted and what was to be used in determining who the winning proponent would be.

Part II may be the controversial part that has the City concerned over possible lawsuits from contractors who lost out.

No Dunbar Audit/Report so far. I thought it was to be given out at the same time.

The Report itself is over 100 pages so give me a chance to read it all. If you want a complete copy, then email me. I would appreciate your comments too.

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