Thursday, December 6, 2007

WeACT Kills School Crossing Guard Program

That's what the Mayor and Councillors will say.

I am so f*****g angry this morning. To dare to use children as pawns. What a disgrace. But then again, what else can Windsorites expect from this bunch of local Government officials!

If you ever wanted to know the power of the Bloggers in town and of WeACT, then the scare front page story in the Star that Council "is considering cancelling the city's school crossing guard program" demonstrates our strength. Citizens are being played as suckers and fools. I can hardly wait for CKLW to do their thing too since it is on their News Headlines.

Sure, don't cut out the self-promotion funds wasted on Super Bowl or Wrestling or the Grand Prix in Detroit. Don't cut out the millions wasted on consultants and lawyers fees to design Schwunnels. Certainly do not cut out the extra salaries that Members of Council receive as Board Directors' fees that boosts their income dramatically. No posture instead and blame others for your failures.

Stop the cheerleading! Jason Moore watch out, you may lose your listeners. Windsor Star watch out, your circulation numbers may decrease. It is time that you knuckle under to the real power in this City. Oh for heaven's sakes, I don't mean the Mayor or City Council. I mean the people!

Do you really believe that any local official is that stupid to end a program that is so essential. Can you imagine what would happen if one child was injured because there was no crossing guard? Any politician who voted for that cut would be run out of town. And do you really think that the City is going to assign police officers to perform that function? Get real.

Here is what was said in the past:
  • "Moved by Councillor Zuk, seconded by Councillor Lewenza, M174-2004
    That the Deputy Clerk BE DIRECTED to extend an invitation to the representative from the Crossing Guard Association, to attend a future meeting of City Council, to be recognized by Council for the good work being done by crossing guards."

Obviously, the Star headline and story was designed to create hysteria. It was designed to work everybody up. Oh my goodness, the politicians are laughing, do you want higher taxes or service cuts? Gee, we'd like to save your children's lives but you know we have to slash taxes.

You know that is phony designed to make people upset since

  • "Council agreed to defer a decision on the issue at the request of Coun. Ken Lewenza Jr. so that administration can prepare a report on the ramifications and explore alternative funding in the community."

It should give people lots of time to be worked into a frenzy by the sycophants publicizing the story to demand that the program be kept even have taxes have to stay high. That's the plan anyway. What a cynical manipulation of the public. It is unworthy of our local politicians and they should be forced to apologize for their trickery.

We know that the Mayor and Council have a hate on for about Library so it is not a big surprise to see their budget being proposed to be slashed. But school crossing guards?

Don't you find it coincidental that this matter is being publicized right after Blogger and head of WeACT Chris Schnurr announced "Tax Cut Now Day."

  • "The Windsor Association of Concerned Taxpayers (WeACT) is announcing that Tuesday, January 9th, 2008 will be observed as “Tax Cut Now” day in Windsor.

    WeACT spokesperson, Chris Schnurr, said that the purpose of the day is to send a message to City Council that any tax increases given current economic conditions are simply unrealistic. Taxpayers expect that Council will reduce taxes - not increase them."

Do you see what I mean? They are scared of the people, very scared. Normally it is the closing of parks that gets people so upset. This time the Mayor and Council decided to scare parents. Use children's safety as their tool. They should be ashamed of themselves.

It is time that citizens of Windsor take back this City. Make the Mayor explain why we can afford a $65 million arena and a US $75 million Tunnel deal and stalling of the border crossing thereby losing thousands of high-paying jobs but we can't afford school crossing guards.

It just makes me vomit!


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