Tuesday, December 4, 2007

CIBC Is An Enemy Too

OMG! Jason Moore will do another CKLW diatribe against Bloggers. The Star will force its reporters to go out and find "positive news" stories-- they are out there the Star tells us--so we can row, row, row together. Gord Henderson will tell us to withdraw our money from the CIBC and put it into the WFCU!

As for the Mayor, with a sweep of his hand, he will dismiss this report too! He will say that it is not fair to compare us with other cities since they are not border cities depending on manufacturing. It is a perfect economic storm he will say, and not his fault. After all, we have an S&P AA rating that is good for investors. Won't that help you sleep at night.

I am talking about the CIBC "Canadian Cities: An Economic Snapshot" December, 2007 Report. That report gave Windsor a -3.3 rating.
  • "Reflecting the difficulties in the manufacturing sector, cities such as Windsor and Saguenay still face major challenges. The recent appreciation in the dollar and the weakening in the US economy are probably adding another layer of difficulties facing those cities."

Here are the charts that demonstrate our difficult situation in comparison with other cities. But do not worry, it was like this in the 60's and 90's and look how well off we are today and how well prepared!

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