Monday, December 17, 2007

Brister The Snowman

The Councillor formerly known as Councillor Budget really has no chance to become mayor if he continually makes these dumb statements.

He put his foot along with his snow boot in his mouth again in Gord Henderson's column. When will he ever learn!

Councillor Brister seems to be so afraid to be interviewed by John Fairley on Face-to-Face. I have to assume that he is terrified that he will say something stupid when John asks him one of his tough questions. In the same vein, someone should warn Brister to stay out of Henderson's column.

I hope that the Councillor's family buys him a barometer for Christmas so that he can understand what the weather will be. I know he does not read BLOGs but it looks like he doesn't read or listen to the weather forecasts either.

Can you imagine a Councillor knowingly doing something like this just before a massive snowstorm is predicted to bury the City and actually taking credit for it:
  • "Brister knows that at least two tough council decisions will sooner or later have the phones ringing off the hook. People will go ballistic when they learn the snowfall threshold for plowing residential streets has been increased from three inches to four inches to save about $200,000."

It's not that Environment Canada hasn't been predicting for months now that this would be a bad winter.

What a sense of timing. That is my Ward 1 Councillor... penny wise and pound foolish.

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