Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Keep Your Mouth Shut. Or Else

Oh I am shaking in my boots. What have I done to deserve this abuse?

First the Windsor Star and now CKLW. All of this attention is just too much for me. I did not know that I had this power that I can apparently use for good or for evil. People are hanging on my every word, especially those on my mass e-mail list.

Sure I have people at City Hall and elsewhere leaking all kinds of information to me anonymously. But that's to be expected in a City where if you stick your head out out of the foxhole, it gets shot off. It's not my fault if they can't give me anything positive to write about.

I only have a few thousand readers per day, mind you most of them are pretty powerful people so I guess that's why some are so frightened of me. And I know that my other Blogger colleagues have similar kinds of hits to their BLOGsites with similar kinds of readers. However, that hardly compares with the Star's readership or CKLW's listeners.

But in this City it appears that if you dare defy you must be slapped down. Or rather, if you dare to think. At least I did not get the "Spit it Out" stare from the Mayor.

You would think that it is enough that the 7:20 a.m. Tuesday interview show on CKLW allows the Mayor to get across his message as the hosts throw him lobs that he can hit out of the park for a home run each week.

Now CKLW has to do more to prove that it is worthy. CKLW's Jason Moore did a commentary on the radio about the Bloggers in town. Not just any old CKLW newsreader or reporter but the news director himself. I am suitably impressed.

It's a continuation of earlier Star exposés, columns and editorials about naysayers and attacks to come. CKLW, not to be left behind probably because they were not being given enough scoops, decided to join in. After all, getting breaking news first brings you listeners doesn't it.

Bloggers, according to Jason, are
  • "pointing the finger, laying the blame condemning the actions or taking a shot at Mayor Eddie Francis and Windsor City Council."

DUH Jason, whom are we supposed to talk about...the perfect economic storm of miseries? Should we blame it on Fate rather than the people we elected? According to you, that must be what we should do. That is the answer.

Gee, Eddie in the Star only went back to the 1990s. Jason went all the way back to the '60s to prove his point. Yea, it's same old thing... we've experienced this before and came out of it... just bury your head in the sand, tough it out and we will get out of it all right.

That's delivering the Mayor's Message loud and clear. Just like the good media messenger/cheerleader that he is. That ought to get the Station's advertising department a few more Greenlink advertisements too.

There's a problem though that Jason has not recognized. I am sure he has seen CKLW's listener numbers increase over the past little while. It's all of those unemployed auto industry workers who have nothing better to do than to listen to Dr. Joy and call her about their depression or have time to phone in to the "number one morning show."

Jason states that "there comes a point you have to look at the big picture." Perhaps he needs laser surgery on his eyes. It's pretty clear that he must be very nearsighted. He obviously fails to see what is going on in the City. I'm not going to list all of the items that are going wrong because frankly I would find it too depressing. He knows what they are better than I do anyway with his team of reporters chasing down all of the stories.

But you know what, dear reader, it's not about me or my Blogger friends. We're not that important. It's designed to shut certain people up, to scare the wits out of them and to put at risk their future. Mention Bloggers to make it less obvious but the target is clear.

It's all about the Councillors isn't it and the City Hall paranoia that the March, 2003 Revolution is starting to take place again. A bunch of the Councillors have had enough haven't they. The two Motions were the first signs. The Revolution needs to be crushed but it cannot be done directly. So go after the Bloggers and the outsiders (Didn't Jason have the nerve to say Dennis DeRosiers?). Blame us for everything. That's the technique to use. Scare the Councillors.

I hope Patty gets a big scoop after Jason's last line. She deserves it:

  • "It’s time the vocal minority backed away from the glass, strapped a “W” over their heart and started championing what Windsor can be."

Rah, rah, rah, sis boom bah. I and my friends have already put on the Big "W" as you ordred as can be seen from the picture above.

Thanks for giving me and my fellow Bloggers the publicity. Our readership numbers are sure to go up now even higher. CKLW has given us more credibility.

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