Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ooops Has The Governor Done It Again

Remember when the Governor of Michigan made her dramatic but unilateral decision to kill all of the downriver crossings for a new DRIC bridge. There is no doubt that part of the reason for her acting in that fashion was political. She was running for re-election.

There is no doubt as well that there is a major battle going on in the State of Michigan between the Republicans and Democrats over the budget. One of the issues that almost resulted in there being a stalemate at the end was the DRIC project itself. The fight over money for this project even made it to the various Michigan media outlets believe it or not.

The Governor is term-limited in Michigan so she is looking for a new job. It would not look good for her resume to say that she was responsible for a huge war between the Executive and Legislative branches in Michigan that resulted in the closing down of the State Government as almost occurred. Moreover, if the rumours are true, her hubby might like to take over as Governor. He would not need any negative baggage either.

Michigan, like this part of Ontario, has been hard hit by the decline in in the automotive industry. It is suffering financially as well because of the mortgage debacle. As I wrote the other day, Michigan needs to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on their road network. The obvious question to ask is how can that be done if the money from the Michigan Transportation Department is to be used to duplicate what the State and the US Government are ready spending on the Ambassador Gateway project. Why would the State give up billions in Federal Matching Grants by building a public bridge? It makes no sense to do so.

That is why this story from Today's Trucking Magazine is so important. The Leakor has struck again. We have found out some astonishing news. In an exclusive report the Magazine states:

"Michigan governor urges permits for twin span."

In a sense this should not be too surprising since the State has already said that it does not oppose the Ambassador Bridge Enhancement Project. What is surprising however is that the Governor wrote to the US Secretary of Transportation, Mary Peters, telling her that.
  • "In a letter obtained by, Granholm writes U.S. DOT secretary Mary Peters to request that the department "give every consideration to advancing federal applications for the Ambassador Bridge enhancement project."

    "It has been my administration's consistent position that the Ambassador Bridge Company's private efforts to twin its current structure can be achieved more easily on the American side (of the border), and I am strongly reiterating that position today."

The US Secretary will have to be extremely considerate of that request since the President of the United States through the Department of State has already said that the Bridge Company does not require a Presidential Permit and in fact, as far as I'm concerned, has killed any DRIC bridge when you read the letter that was sent sometime ago. That was the letter whereby the US Department of State did not give its concurrence for a new DRIC crossing in the central area even though asked to do so.

The central area is the area of salt mines and brine wells where DRIC has spent millions to test to ensure that a new bridge would not collapse when built. They have so much confidence that a separate peer review group has been set up to check out their conclusions. Nawww, I won't be cynical and say to share the blame if something goes wrong.

Politically in that State, it means that the Republicans and the Democrats, as headed by the Governor, may finally want closure on this very divisive issue. The telling point is why should the Public pay money for this project and duplicate what has already been done if private enterprise is willing to risk their funds using the Ambassador Gateway project. Effectively, she has told Democratic House Majority Floor Leader Steve Tobocman and Democratic Senator Ray Basham to back off their opposition and do it now!

It is just another step in doing the obvious. Can we be so bold in thinking that the meeting between the Bridge Company and Transport Canada that took place several weeks ago might also have had a conversation about the Bridge Company's project moving forward as well? As I mentioned in a previous BLOG, their relationship seems to be a lot better. According to the Star:

  • "Ambassador Bridge owner Matty Moroun travelled to Ottawa a few weeks ago to meet with Cannon."

What makes me think that there is something going on behind the scenes is that the Star predicted

  • "Cannon is expected to again vow the federal government's commitment to get bridge construction quickly underway today, during his keynote address to the Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnership (P3) annual conference in Toronto."

In fact, what is surprising is that Cannon did not do so. I did not read in his speech any sense of urgency whatsoever.

Couple all of this with the fact that there was nothing mentioned in Ontario's Throne Speech about the Windsor border crossing, that our own Minister of Finance has not talked about Greenlink and that the City has not put in their response to DRIC and one would have to believe that there is something happening.

So much for the Cannon meeting with Granholm a few months ago. In the end, it's all poltiical isn't it.

Perhaps Windsor might get a nice gift from Santa after all...a border resolution thanks to the Governor!

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