Monday, November 19, 2007

Will Chris Schnurr Run For Parliament

Interesting news that came out of the Globe and Mail on Saturday:

  • "The entire executive and many senior members of the small political party formed by Progressive Conservatives who rejected the merger with the Canadian Alliance have decided to join the Liberals.

    The Progressive Canadian Party, which expropriated the PC logo and adhered to the ideals of the old Tory party, will likely continue, said Tracy Parsons, who quit as party leader two weeks ago.

    But Ms. Parsons will be taking out a Liberal membership, as will party president Jim Love, the four other members of the executive, several members of the national council, all of the CPC's Quebec organizers and many riding presidents."

Recent history suggests that when Members of Parliament cross the floor, they seem to get significant positions in the newly joined Party. One wonders then, when almost the entire senior executive of the Progressive Canadian Party joins up with the Liberals, what deals have been made.

Here's something to consider.

Watch out Greg Baggio, sorry Joyce Zuk but I expect that part of the deal may be that Chris Schnurr is parachuted into Windsor West to run against Brian Masse in the next federal election. Has Schnurr in fact been offered a Cabinet position if he can knock off Brian? Perhaps something to do with the border?

Masse may well be easily beaten with a well-known and well financed candidate. After all, Windsor West was Herb Gray's riding and the Liberals are desperate to get it back into the fold. With his NDP party credentials, Massey has achieved little for Windsor since he has been a Member of Parliament. It may now be that Windsor voters want to be on the winning side given the problems that the Federal Conservatives are having with the Mulroney affair. The key issue, the border, was one matter that Masse could have had some influence over when the NDP held the balance of power in Parliament. He did nothing for us.

Masse and Schnurr are on complete opposite sides as to what should be done with respect to the border crossing issue. It would be interesting to see debates between those two if an election was held shortly.

Schnurr, a Blogger in town, helped form WeACT as a result of the Windsor Utilities Commission fiasco. He received very favorable press as a result of his actions. His BLOG has also would developed a following. Schnurr was the Communication Director of the PC party.

Poor, old Dwight Duncan, what is he going to do now? First Sandra and then Chris. I expect that Dwight may now have to apologize to Mr. Schnurr for calling him a Conservative when he was not and for saying such rude things about him seeing that he joined the national Liberal Party:

  • "Unlike Mr. Schnurr and his Conservative friends, we don’t believe the provincial government should just go in for the purposes of beating up municipalities."

With his BLOG and media exposure and with the Liberals smelling blood hoping that they might actually form the Government, this could be opportune time for the Liberals to win back Windsor West with Schnurr as their candidate.

The ultimate would be Dwight Duncan nominating Schnurr in the riding. Who knows, even the Mayor might send in a letter of support as he did for Sandra.

You know what they say about politics making strange bedfellows.

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