Wednesday, November 21, 2007

McKenna And The Gazelle Feeders

Don't you think it is time that someone woke up the Gazelle Feeders already and made them accountable for doing something other than spending money and then asking for more.

Compare and contrast:

  • Frank McKenna in his Star Opinion piece:

    We worked hard to promote cities like Moncton in order to diversify its economy. At the time, it was reeling from job losses. We job prospected relentlessly, with the aim of conveying the community's hunger for new business.

    All the hard work paid off. Moncton's unemployment rate has dropped by six percentage points since the early 1990s.

    I am confident Windsor-Essex can experience similar success.

Sorry Frank, you must have missed these words of wisdom from our Economic Development gurus. This is the attitude of the Report that set up the new Commission:

  • "Because of the nature of the region’s strategy, traditional performance measures such as the number of new plants attracted, or the number of jobs retained, albeit significant, should not be the primary indicators of success. These could actually be counterproductive by driving the wrong behaviour."

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