Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dwight's LEG-al issue

You know the old Henny Youngman jokes don't you:
  • I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places

  • Doctor, my leg hurts. What can I do?" The doctor says, "Limp."

  • "You didn't believe the doctor could fix your leg!" The man said, "I stand corrected."

What prompted the telling of these leg jokes was a story in the Star about Dwight Duncan apologizing for his sexist remarks about Sandra Pupatello and her legs. Dwight should know better as a senior Minister in the Government of Ontario. These days you can't go around pulling people's legs anymore, especially a LEGislator.

Now we all know that Dwight and Sandra are in a "friendly" competition to see who runs Windsor. For quite some time, most people would have said that Dwight was the main man here. However his faux pas may give Sandra a leg up. Dwight will have to be very careful what he says now. He had no choice but to apologize. He did not have a leg to stand on for his remarks.

Let me go out on a limb. A bit of a warning for Dwight. He better not make another remark like this again. If he does, he will be on his last legs as a Cabinet Minister. Premier McGuinty won't allow this to happen again. He might kick him out from the Cabinet.

According to the Star story, "Duncan was unavailable to speak for himself Friday. " I guess he still had his foot in his mouth at that time. Apparently as well "Pupatello couldn't be reached for comment either. " She probably was on the first leg of a trip somewhere since she travels so much as Minister of Economic Development and Trade.

Now I would have thought that the Star would have had some fun with this story but they played it pretty straight. They had no choice. They had a few skeletons in their closet. They didn't want a good swift kick either. Remember what Gord Henderson said about Sandra in one of his columns:

  • "OK. So the short skirt, the blazing brown eyes and those impossibly long legs created a jaw-dropping first impression as she came bounding up the stairs. But honest, it was the spunky, no-guff attitude of a university grad named Sandra that made her visit memorable. "

Hmmmm I wonder if Eddie will apologize on Gord's behalf, sort of a quid pro quo.

And how about these from the Eagele Eye of the Star:

  • "The feasting started early last week with the Capitol Theatre celebrity roast, where the sexy, svelte and very leggy Sandra Pupatello -- the guest grille du jour -- delivered some pretty cheeky rebuttals of her own to those who dared take on the formidable foe of Mike Harris."
  • "And speaking of gazes, keep your eyes open next week, when we present a roasted, toasted, lightly grilled (but never fried) look at Sandra Pupatello. Oh, those legs, those legs..."

I'll make a suggestion to Sandra. As a member of the LEGislature, she should not tolerate this kind of comment anymore. She should put her foot down and not stand for this anymore. I wish her the best---break a leg as they say on Broadway!

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