Friday, November 30, 2007

DUHHH The Provincial Election Is Over

Nice to see how well our two local MPPs/Cabinet Ministers stood up for Windsor, and especially our border crossing. In the Throne speech, there was not one single word about Windsor or the border crossing.

A Liberal political operative told me before the election that the Liberals would know how to deal with Eddie. I guess this is how they are going to do it.

For his sake, I sure hope that Eddie got his deal with the Liberals signed in blood. If not this City has been screwed royally. I must admit that I would have thought that any leverage that he had was before the election and not after. That was my experience with STOPDRTP. You nail the politician before when they need you not after the election when they don't.

For such a supposedly savvy politician and a master manipulator in his own right, has our distinguished Mayor been hoodwinked? I cannot believe such a foolish statement as the following that the Mayor made:
  • "The speech also didn’t include a reference to Windsor’s border.

    “I was surprised that they didn’t mention the border in light of the fact that the feds mention it at every opportunity they get.”

DUH... the next municipal election is in three years and then Sandra and Dwight are rid of Eddie while the next Provincial election is in four years in 2011. They can ignore Eddie and Windsor as much as they want until they are up for re-election again when they can try and fool the new Mayor.

After all, we should expect the Feds to talk about the border. They want to ensure that Jeff Watson beats Susan Whelan don't they. So they have to try and pretend to remain interested in what happens down here.

Is that the best that the Mayor can do? No outrage expressed...was he totally caught by surprise? Or are we games playing again, with Eddie being told that there will be a deal on the border so don't be too mad at us publicly?

Here's more information for you. It's probably no wonder that we haven't heard anything about Dwight Duncan and Greenlink. The City hasn't done very much about Greenlink either. Now I thought that Eddie was supposed to file his materials with DRIC, including his "scientific" survey results, by November 15. I asked for a copy of that report from the representatives of the Senior Levels. Here are the responses I received:


    To: Ed Arditti
    Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 12:57 PM
    Subject: RE: City of Windsor response to DRIC

    Good afternoon,

    Thank you for your inquiry. Although we have met with City officials and their consultants about the City's GreenLink proposal, at this time, we have not received any formal reports from the City in response to the Parkway alternative that the DRIC team presented in August. If you need further information, I would encourage you to contact my colleagues at the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, who are leading the DRIC study on behalf of the Canadian partners. I would be pleased to provide their contact information, if you do not have their coordinates already.


    To: Ed Arditti
    Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 12:05 PM
    Subject: RE: City of Windsor response to DRIC

    Mr. Arditti:

    Thanks for your inquiry. We welcome input from the City and all stakeholders. We have not received a report from the City at this time. We look forward to receiving and reviewing the City's report, so that we may continue to improve our understanding of their proposal.

    You may want to contact the City for further information.

Hmmmm Why did Eddie as the Leader on the Border spend all those thousands of dollars on media ads and have meetings in all the Wards for citizens and the City has not done anything? I don't get it. What's the hold-up? Has the City asked for an extension?

Perhaps someone on Council could introduce a Motion removing the Mayor as the Leader on the border file if this is the best that he can do. Oh, and if they do it, they should introduce the Motion right away, say on Monday, before Councillor Brister introduces his Teacher's Pet Motion.

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