Friday, November 23, 2007

Border Ferry Tale

In a Communications item at Council the other week, I noticed the above with reference to work being done by the private enterprise Detroit-Windsor truck ferry. I see that work is "expected to start" in the middle of next year.

I wonder where all of the anti-private enterprise people are with respect to this project. The value of the project seems to be $3 million. Oh, I forgot. Since the truck ferry is supposed to take away business from the Ambassador Bridge Company, it is perfectly acceptable to provide this project with money.

It will be interesting to see more details and to see how much of this is being paid for by the Ferry Company and how much is being paid for by taxpayers. I would be surprised if the Ferry Company can pay very much since they were looking to receive money from the Government as I recall it for another truck ferry that was supposed to reduce the backups at the border and improve capacity. I do not believe that another ferry was ever purchased.

It is part of the first phase of the "Let's get Windsor Essex Moving" agreement. I am too polite to say that very little has been moving over the past several years in this area with respect to the border. The money to pay for this work comes under the Border Infrastructure Fund... you know, the money that was supposed to provide a solution for getting trucks across the Ambassador Bridge on an intermediate basis.

In any event, unlike the DRIC project or the Ambassador Bridge Enhancement Project or even the Tunnel Plaza Improvement Project, I do not remember seeing anything whatsoever about public hearings for what is to be done. In fact, I do not recall hearing much about this project at all. Presumably that should happen at some point in time don't you think.

Here is what this project is all about:
  • "NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT of an environmental assessment

    Detroit-Windsor Truck Ferry Road Infrastructure Improvements
    Windsor (ON)

    October 15, 2007 -- Transport Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada are required to ensure that a screening is conducted commencing on October 12, 2007 of the project: Detroit-Windsor Truck Ferry Road Infrastructure Improvements.

    The scope of the project includes modifications of the existing truck ferry terminal, the construction of new infrastructure, and operations of the facility. The purpose of the project is to enhance the efficiency and safety of the existing truck ferry operation. Proposed upgrades will include: widening and paving the access road and marshalling area, a new customs kiosk, replacement of the ramp and barge and the installation of improved illumination and security measures. The project also inlcudes dredging and other construction activities within the Detroit River.

    Under section 5 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, an environmental assessment is required for this project because Transport Canada may provide financial assistance to the proponent for the purpose of enabling the project and Fisheries and Oceans Canada may issue a permit or license under subsection 35(2) of the Fisheries Act.

    Transport Canada will act as the Federal Environmental Assessment Coordinator for this environmental assessment."

It's a road-building project as well as other actions ie improving the access road to a border crossing. Given the precedent set, I wonder how much money Transport Canada will be providing to the Ambassador Bridge Company for a road to their bridge or, more precisely, to build that road. If they don't, will Transport Canada be seen to be supporting only one private enterprise border crossing proponent at the expense of another? Ooooops they are putting big bucks into the Tunnel too. That makes two proponents.

I do not want to jinx the matter for the Ferry Company but there is an obvious question to ask. Why are we wasting any money whatsoever to do anything? If DRIC is so confident that it is going to build another bridge, then why do we need to do spend the millions of taxpayer dollars? I assume that the new bridge will be just like the Blue Water Bridge and will be allowed to carry hazardous materials across the border. If so, no one will use the truck ferry. It also will not be needed for capacity reasons.

If the money is designed as an intermediate step, then why isn't the road to the Ambassador Bridge being built as well since the BIF money was supposed to be used for that precise purpose? The same with the Tunnel. If money is provided by Government to provide better access to the Tunnel, why not to the bridge too? Is there favouritism going on? Part of the desire to put the bridge out of business.

I assume the gentleman who owns the truck ferry must realize that his business is doomed. If I am correct in my assumption about hazardous materials using the new DRIC bridge, then his business only has a few more years to last. I wonder what happens then... does he get a pay out from the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario since his business has been taken away from him? I mean who would want to buy his business since it has no possibility of lasting very much longer. Or, do the Governments just say "tough luck" and let his business go bankrupt.

I wonder when he will start complaining to the public about what is happening to his business. It doesn't really seem very fair to have it driven into the ground. I'm sure there will be a groundswell of support by the Ferry advocates to make sure that he is treated fairly. Brian Masse will be at the head of the list!

I have no idea what the legal position in this matter is. I bet that the Governments probably will buy his business for some agreed amount. What would be ironic is that if they buy the business they would have to include in it the value of the amount of the improvements that they already had paid for under this Application.

To give you another example...if Transport Canada decided to buy the Tunnel after the Tunnel improvements were done and for which they had contributed $10 million, the value of the Tunnel would have been increased by the improvements. So Transport Canada double pays!

It solves a lot of problems by buying the ferry business. For the owner anyway. Or does it? In my opinion, it may just make matters worse since precedents are being set.

Oh me oh my, another wrinkle in Windsor's border crossing fiasco that will keep litigators active for years to come!

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