Monday, May 7, 2007

No Money--Or A Bridge--For Windsor

It is becoming more and more clear that the Government money for Windsor is drying up. It is also becoming clearer as bureaucrats are testifying before the Legislatures that the justifications given to build a new DRIC bridge are falling by the wayside. What happens then?

First the money side:

  1. Another half billion for the Asian Gateway but no more for Windsor
  2. $300M BIF program is ending
  3. No money added in the Provincial Budget
  4. $400M only for a road in the Federal budget
  5. Financial problems in Michigan and Ontario
  6. Eddie keeps begging the Senior Levels for money

It's not an issue we are told....The DRIC bridge will be a P3. The DRIC bridge will be paid for over time by users.

Two small problems

1) The Ambassador bridge tolls will be significantly lower so who would use the new bridge unless forced to go there

2) Michigan legislation does not permit P3s to be entered into! I do not remember being told that. With the anti-DRIC mood in the Michigan legislature, do you really think they would introduce legislation to allow that!

Here's an interesting story out of Michigan that has some startling information:

  • New Bridge Needs New Partnership
    Michigan Information & Research Service Inc.

    To get the Detroit International River Crossing underway (DRIC), the Legislature will have to consider allowing the Department of Transportation (MDOT) to form some kind of relationship with a private corporation.

    MDOT Director Kurt STUEDLE told the Senate Transportation Committee that such a partnership would help the state and Canada get stable, upfront funding for the project. Stuedle appeared before the committee to follow up on a presentation he made about six months ago.

    Though Stuedle said he wasn't advocating that the Legislature immediately move to give MDOT the authority to form a relationship with a private entity, they might have to in the future.

    Stuedle said construction on the bridge needs to begin somewhere between 2015 and 2030 depending on traffic flow. If the governments in Canada and Michigan continue working toward reaching a DRIC agreement, bridge construction could begin as early as 2013.

    When asked how the bridge would ultimately be paid for, Stuedle said the same way other bridges have been paid for: Tolls.

    "At the end of the day it's paid for by tolls if there's a toll on it," Stuedle said.

    Stuedle also addressed the economic impact of international crossings on Michigan. In 2006, 40 percent of the passenger cars that crossed the border spent money on dining, entertainment and casinos and more than 10 percent spent money on shopping.

    "Michigan is more closely related to Ontario than we are to other states," he said. "

This story is astounding for what it says. The person being quoted is the Director of MDOT.

Did you catch the new information also that we are told---"Stuedle said construction on the bridge needs to begin somewhere between 2015 and 2030 depending on traffic flow."

What no congestion or capacity problems for potentially 23 more years! issue with respect to security or redundancy. So why are MDOT and the other three Government even considering building another bridge! Just to force the Bridge Co. out of business? Is that what this DRIC exercise is really all about?

The reality now---if we are to get a new bridge here, then the Bridge Co. is the only one who will build it! They have the money and the will to do so. And if Government has no reason other than a "forced" buy-out, then some lawyers will be very busy for the next dozen or so years.
Oh and one further quote from the MDOT Director in another MIRS story:
  • "Meanwhile, the head of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has called the Maroon [sic] bridge concept a "viable private option." MDOT Director Kirk STEUDLE said he has not taken a "specific position" on the idea but told MIRS, "We certainly are supportive of his proposal moving forward, but with the realization that he's still got a number of hurdles to get across, as well…that isn't there yet."

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