Thursday, May 17, 2007

Looking Backward: Remembering Our Past

Sometimes it gets depressing writing this BLOG every day. All of the gamesmanship that goes on is enough to wear one out. I have to admit I am in one of those moods these days.

I only wish that our politicos would not treat us as children or as fools. They must think we cannot remember. Let's look at the "Looking Forward: Windsor’s Future in a Changing World" Seminar as a case in point.

Let's look back!

Did we see anything about "These distinguished guests were invited to Windsor as part of the City of Windsor’s Official Plan Review" the first time around? Not that I can recall.

Did anyone really believe that the first postponement was " due to low ticket sales?" Hardly. I was told that "According to my insider at the Capitol tonights show sold 180 tickets and 80 were comped so the small theatre was near 100% capacity."

That total was 260 people. How many came to the Caboto Club for the rescheduled session: "The event -- which drew a capacity crowd of about 300"

Do we have a budget problem in Windsor---Obviously not. According to the Mayor "We've heard the voices from within," the mayor said. "Now we're trying to find out how outside people see us."

Councillor Lewenza told us at Council that the extravaganza cost us $20,000. I think he was too low. Did that include the several ads in the Star, the room rental? Were there refreshments? Were there cancellation fees for the last event eg money for transportation for the speakers if they were coming by plane, their fees, the money wasted for advertising, cost for hall rental and the refreshments that cannot be served.

Last time around at least some of the costs were going to be recouped by the $10 charge. This time, to get the same number of people, it was FREE! It was all paid for by you and me!

What did we learn:
  • "You've either got to do what you need to do to stay in the game, or you're out of the game"
  • "Everyone in the world is in the same boat as is to say it's a fluid world."
  • about our border difficulties. "You know what? You've got to figure out how to get that fixed. I don't know how. But you've got to figure it out."
  • Outlining a "Darwinian" economy where massive global consolidators are eating smaller companies, [means our gazelle feeders may be out of a job soon]
  • "People that don't believe in globalization have to realize that globalization started when we left the jungles of Africa,"
  • "We've robbed our neighbourhoods. We've made our places boring, plastic and generic"
  • "Don't look to Ottawa or Queen's Park to solve your problems. Don't look for a new auto pact or a new Honda plant,"
  • investment in arts and culture generated revenue while enhancing the city (I hope those pesky Capitol people did not hear that).

Now that should help our planners a lot shouldn't it!

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