Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ambassador Bridge Co. To Help Jones' Museum

I am sure that you remember the recent news story where Councillor Jones said

  • “We have had a lot of stuff dug up through archeological digs that are now in Toronto,” Jones said. “We want to bring them back to a museum we hope to open up in Sandwich Town.”

I imagine its location might be near the new drug store that is opening in Sandwich, hopefully near where a new financial institution might one day open an outlet after the out-of-town investors have started their developments. It would probably be near the Felix/Mill St. roundabout after the schoolkids in the area name it.

It's a real shame that Councillor Jones did not know about the "weekend" destruction of the 80-year old Grad House at the University, the building that university students wanted to designate as "heritage." I know that it was not in Sandwich--merely a few blocks away--although it was in his Ward. He might have been able to have its destruction managed properly.

Mind you, he did know it was going to be torn down at some time. Aparently "[He did not] express any concern when was asked what he thought about the proposed demolition. He said "I don't have any problem with it."

The reporter must have left out the key part of what Jones must have said. Surely, he must have demanded that "on-site archeologists" be on-call just as he is now demanding be available for demolitions in Sandwich. As I am certain Councillor Jones will state, an archeologist is needed for Indian Road demolitions where the Bridge Co. has vacant homes. One might then ask why didn't the Councillor demand that one should be needed for a University building on Sunset. Did the discovery of artifacts conveniently stop at Huron Church Road?

Back to the Bridge Co. Apparently they took seriously Councillor Jones' desire to have a museum built in Sandwich. They knew, since they are a backer of the arts in Windsor, that, to have a museum, it has to have artifacts eg "Artifacts of the First Nations people. Artifacts of the Underground Railroad."

A spokesperson for the Company said:

  • "Which is better for heritage: (1) leaving potential artifacts buried below existing, aging and vacant housing where no one can examine or enjoy them, or (2) taking down the houses to uncover artifacts if any for display at a museum for the education and enjoyment of all and the creation of heritage education programs for the schools?"

Obviously, finding artifacts by getting rid of vacant homes by demolishing them is the answer. How else logically can you find out if there are any artifacts buried there. I assume that Councillor Jones went to 3616 Peter St right after the big fire that destroyed the 150 year old historical house "of significance to the local black community and targeted for preservation" and has asked that an archeologist be involved.

  • "Damage is estimated at $280,000 and the building is likely going to have to be demolished."

Now being reasonable, one should assume that there are not any artifacts where the Bridge Co. has homes since the area has already been developed. If there were artifacts they would have been found 100 or so years ago when the homes were first being built. Just like the $1500 buried in the ground found when another Peter St. home was built many years ago. However, one can only hope that there might be something of value to fill the proposed museum.

Clearly Councillor Jones and his Ward mate, Councillor Postma will vote for the demolition requested by the Bridge Co. At least in this case, the Bridge Co. and the Ward 2 Councillors will be speaking with one voice!

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