Friday, May 4, 2007

A New Game For Windsorites: Six Degrees of Separation

"According to urban folklore, everyone in the world knows everyone else via just a few intermediaries - an effect summed up by the phrase "six degrees of separation." "

I am sure that you have heard about the trivia game in relation this concept respecting Kevin Bacon, the movie star. "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon." If you want to see exactly how the game is played and to get the "Bacon Number" of a movie star go to

We have a variation of the game in Windsor....It's called "Six Degrees of Ambassador Bridge." You say a person's name who lives in Windsor or an event or mention a company and see how they can be connected to the Bridge Co. You then get the "Ambassador Bridge Number" by doing that.

This variation of the game was created by the Windsor Star and you know when they are playing the game since they use the word "link" in a headline of a story.

With my example, which may have been the first time the game was ever played, the headline read "Blogger linked to bridge firm." My Ambassador Bridge Number would be THREE ie the number of separations to the Bridge:
  1. I attended the Michigan hearings in Lansing where the border was discussed
  2. Bridge Co. executives and the wife of the owner were there
  3. I had coffee with them in a coffee shop afterwards
See how much fun it can be. Let's try another example with an event. The headline reads "Big rigs linked to Assumption decay." The Assumption Church Number would be TWO or THREE:
  1. "restoration [of the Church] is imperative"
  2. Trucks cross overhead at the Ambassador Bridge
  3. Dan Stamper, President of the Bridge Co. "promised to look into the situation."

Let's try one without the Star headline to show how much fun this can be at party. How about Mike Hurst. Mike's number would be TWO:

  1. Mike Hurst is CEO of DRTP
  2. He and Dan Stamper of the Ambassador Bridge each contributed money for Festival Epicure.

Hey, how about the Mayor. The number for Eddie Francis would be: FOUR

  1. John Skorobohacz was brought back to Windsor by Eddie as CAO
  2. Skorobohacz was on the CAO Task Force on Regional Economic Development that formed the basis of the new Economic Development Commission
  3. The Chair of the Commission is Remo Mancini
  4. Mancini worked for the Ambassador Bridge Co.

One last game and then you try it for yourself. The Windsor Star. Its number would be: THREE, FIVE or SIX

  1. The Windsor Star publishes stories on the border
  2. Dave Battagello is its main border writer
  3. Dave has met in private with Matty Moroun the owner of the Ambassador Bridge, has spoken to Bridge Co. executives over the phone and attended public meetings where they were present
  4. Dave attended the Michigan hearings in Lansing where the border was discussed
  5. Bridge Co. executives and the wife of the owner of the Bridge were there
  6. Dave was seen having a snack in the coffee shop afterwards where they were having a coffee

You see how easy the game is to link everything to the Ambassador Bridge!

Why I could even write a BLOG headline after playing the game: "Windsor Star linked to Ambassador Bridge!"

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