Friday, May 4, 2007

Is The Star Getting Edgy

Just a quick note.

Is the Star trying to get more edgy ie, daring, provocative, or trend-setting? How far can it go without getting readers angry and losing circulation from older readers?

Is this the start of a test? How about this language that did not make it past the editor for the published edition but made it online:

  • "It seems some people won't buy into the environmental cause even when its free.

    Representatives of the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup (DRCC) learned that lesson first-hand as they stood on a downtown Ouellette Avenue street corner Thursday trying to give away free weed pluckers to passersby to kick off its spring go natural: pull don't spray campaign.

    Melanie Coulter, campaign co-ordinator noted that, while hundreds of the people graciously accepted the yard instrument, many others cast suspicious, side-long glances and kept walking, as if to say "go pluck yourself."

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