Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Smoked Eggs

Can you imagine what it will be like if you are a bar owner in town or a restauranteur. Heaven forbid if you have an outdoor patio or run a Bingo Hall. Are the same people who attended at Art in the Park from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit of the same mentality as the new no-smoking enforcement officers? If so, the courts will be jammed with prosecutions for violations of the No Smoking law

Really, were the Health Dept inspectors wrong in what they did at at Art in the Park? Can you imagine the outcry if there was a salmonella outbreak and a number of people got sick and someone died! "Salmonellosis is a bacterial disease that can be transmitted by eating food from infected food-animals such as raw or undercooked eggs.." So why are we dumping on them for doing their job? Damned if they do and damned if they don't.

I guess we are mad because the pouring of bleach seemed like "overkill" and because "senior women" were involved. Can you believe that inspectors thought that grannies would try to poison people!

Minister of Health George Smitherman called their actions "asinine" and "has vowed to change provincial regulations to ensure it doesn't happen again." Now that is fast action....

Sandra Pupatello, Ontario's Education Minister called another action at the event, removing an inflatable castle for children to jump and play "ridiculous behaviour." About the egg salad, Sandra said "He's [Smitherman] really not impressed, and neither am I."

Too bad the Cabinet Ministers could not function that quickly on the border issue that is a real concern in this area! I am surprised that Brian Masse also has not used this incident to condemn the Ambassador Bridge for allowing the transport of hazardous materials across the bridge. I am certain that people carry egg sandwiches across the bridge along with inflatable toys for swimming for their kids! Can you imagine if they had in a cooler Lemon Pepsi as well. Chaos!

A few of my readers made the folowing comments that I wanted to repeat:

1) Sandwiches


I am so glad they literally DESTROYED the ferocious animal called the
"egg sandwich made at home".(Heavy handed policy for sure. Is Halloween Candy next????)

They sure showed that Old Ladies club. Getting tough on Crime should be a priority.

Too bad they couldn't be as diligent on other real issues.

Meanwhile back at the ranch...............

2)An egg salad solution

Being that this in Ontario and whats good is bad and whats bad is ignored, and Windsor is Windsor, if you really want Eddie and Strasser to get an agreement for the Cleary...its pretty simple really. Lock both in a room to with two Pit bulls.....both having been fed egg salad sandwiches 10 minutes before. ....willing to bet that deal would be over in 5 minutes or less. Who needs a lawyer!

3)The Egg debate

If you were sitting in a restaurant and the Health unit came in and SUSPECTED your food was tainted would they destroy it then and there?

Seems they may be flaunting more power than they have a right too.

What about Pit Bulls? They are suspect to bite. To save people from health concerns why haven't they destroyed the dogs?

I guess beating up on an Old Ladies Club is easier.

Better yet would they have raided a Hell's Angel's party to save them?

Get real.

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