Tuesday, June 20, 2006

...But First Get It Right

I swear, the more I hear about this tuition deal for City employees at St. Clair as part of the Cleary package, the more suspicious I become. You'd almost think it was designed to focus our attention away from the main part of the deal.

Here is a note that the President of St. Clair sent around the College. Note the interesting language used. It scares me:

  • "This email is sent on behalf of Dr. Strasser, President:/

    There appears to be numerous incorrect statements in various reports on the Cleary negotiations. Let us deal with this particular one – that of a discount on tuition. A part of the final agreement may include a discount for City employees *_(not including children)_ *for *_unfilled_* seats in *_Continuing Education courses_*. This will allow City employees to upgrade skills at a lesser cost to the City."
I'd like to know what the other "incorrect statements" are wouldn't you? In fact, I'd like to know what the deal really is rather than having it filtered through the Windsor Star. I had hoped that Councillor Gignac would have taken up my invitation to give us her position on the deal since she voted against it but so far she has not done so.

The use of the word "may" as well does not mean that this part of the deal will be done either.

As for Eddie's figures re the savings---well he said that we would make $100 million here re Super Bowl too and did we?

Now I thought Mr. Henderson was rather rude in his column today when he said: "we should all take a pill and chill" over this tuition matter. Frankly, if the Star had published the correct information at the beginning, there would not have been the uproar.

Isn't there a saying in the news world "Get it first, but first get it right!"

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