Tuesday, June 6, 2006

I Am A Fisker

I learned a new term the other day.

One of my readers called me a "fisker." It did not sound too nice when I looked up its dictionary meaning.

Then I saw the term on the BLOG of Chris Vander Doelen of the Star in reference to a Blog I wrote in reply to one he posted. Since he was good enough to give a link to my site, I will reciprocate
. http://www.canada.com/windsorstar/features/blogs/vanderdoelen.html

Well at least he did not spell my last name incorrectly. I am just "the other guy" to him.

I did not realize that there was a Blog meaning for the word "fisk." I am sure that both Chris and my reader meant that my BLOG was "witty, logical, sarcastic and ruthlessly factual" didn't they? {LOL}

It appears that I may have committed the ultimate Windsor sin however. One can praise DRTP, boost the commerical position of the Ferry, root for Mich-Can and get away with it. However, one dares not say a nice word about the Bridge Co. In fact, if one does say something that is perceived as positive, then it is nothing more than spouting Bridge propaganda.

If one looks realistically at what the facts are---and not how one may wish them to be---then it is obvious that one must deal with the Bridge Co.

I have still not figured out why that is so hard to understand for some in this City, especially certain Councillors at City Hall who may lose their seats because of border failure. The Mayor cannot bring himself to deal with the Bridge Co. now because their actions have prevented him from achieving his Grand Ambition of being the Region's main border operator.

That the Bridge Co. is in the best position, and that has been known to me since a colleague of Chris wrote a story setting out their "lands" position over 3 years ago, should be obvious since they have been the operator at the border for so many years. They would be foolish business people otherwise, and they are not.

I did read Chris' article in the Star as well about the remarks of Steven Landry, president of DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc, that "A leader is needed to rescue Windsor's auto industry from the political "merry-go-round" snarling the international border."

I was most interested as well in the comment of Patrick Persichilli of Nemak. He said "the entire industry is hoping for action... I don't know if the leadership needs to change but we need to be more aggressive," Persichilli agreed when told of Landry's comments. "The gauntlet needs to drop. We need to get on with life and make a decision about a new border crossing."

If you have been reading my BLOG, then you know that I am of the opinion that we need new blood at City Hall. Can you imagine four more years of this kind of leadership, or rather lack of leadership. As to who that leader should be....

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