Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Kwame Power

I still believe that the key person on the border issue is Detroit's Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick---at least for the next few months. Here is an interesting Free Press story:

  • "Gov. Jennifer Granholm may see Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and state Democratic Party Chairman Mark Brewer as much as her husband. Here's what she should learn: Will Kilpatrick turn out more than the 210,000 Detroiters who voted in 2002, or will his endorsement and effort be like those former Mayor Dennis Archer gave mayoral candidate Freman Hendrix last year: late and lackluster?"

Note the reference to Dennis Archer. Hendrix was the former chief of staff and deputy mayor of Detroit under former Mayor Dennis Archer. On December 10, the Detroit news reported that "Dennis Archer has stepped down as head of Gov. Jennifer Granholm's re-election campaign to make it easier for her to work with Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick."

For a guy who did little for Hendrix, the News said that "Archer backed Hendrix by appearing in ads, campaigning in churches and making financial contributions during the campaign." In a press release on May 31, 2005, Archer endorsed Hendrix for mayor. Archer's wife and sister-in-law appeared at Hendrix's campaign kick-off announcement.

In other words, when push comes to shove in the election for Governor, Granholm needs Kwame. If it means re-writing history to do so, so be it!

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