Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Schools Daze

Thank goodness that taxpayers have deep pockets. Isn't that what our School Boards seem to be saying?

I must admit I have trouble understanding any of this. Here is what the Star published the other day dealing with our local School Boards concerning schools near the border route.

  • School expand despite border plan
  • Monica Wolfson, Star Education Reporter, June 20, 2006

    "The Catholic and public school boards are moving ahead with million- dollar construction projects on two elementary schools despite their proximity to a proposed new border route...5,500-square-foot expansion of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and 15-classroom expansion of Bellewood elementary school."

Yet only 2 months before Penny Allen, superintendent of business and finance said,

  • "Unless the route is tunnelled, Oakwood, which is on Cabana Road, Bellewood, which is on Labelle, and Sandwich West, which is on Wyoming Avenue, may face closures."
It's not something new either. Back in November, 2005,

  • "Trustees decided to send a letter of concern to all participants of the DRIC. [because] Oakwood, Bellewood and Sandwich West elementary schools might also be impacted by the new border crossing route and traffic diversion from Highway 401."
So given the "concern," why would the Boards spend money to build when perhaps there should be a different solution considered.

I think the Board's reality was expressed by Trustee Beaudoin in October, 2005. He said "he's skeptical a crossing will be built in his lifetime." Peter Marchini, superintendent of business for the Catholic board said, "We have a need there for the next year and year after... "I’m sure this proposal [DRIC]will take a good number of years."

Talk tunnelling, keep on spending and if it doesn't work out as planned, it is no big deal. After all, what are taxpayers for? As Penny said,
  • "If it’s determined not useable, the powers that be will have to give us funding to go somewhere else."

And as expected, today's Star reported:

  • "The Catholic school board will build a four-classroom addition to Our Lady of Mount Carmel elementary school despite its location on the edge of a proposed 10-lane highway bringing traffic to the new border crossing."

And didn't you like the comment that Trustee Alexander made that proves my point:

  • "After a short debate trustees agreed Monday night to listen to a 15-minute presentation in August by the DRIC.

    "I'd like to make certain the board has full information on this crossing and make an informed decision on the environment assessment," said Joe Berthiaume, director of education.

    Despite a lack of interest among some trustees, Porcellini has been pushing for trustees to meet with the DRIC. "This is exactly what I asked for," Porcellini said. "This is going to significantly impact our students and ratepayers and the capital of the board."

    But trustee Fred Alexander registered his opposition. "What is the point of this at all?" Alexander said. "Obviously there is a school there and (the freeway) is going to be near the school. Why do we need a presentation about that?"

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